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Yunho could hardly swallowed the dry toast. Idly, he regretted not asking Leo to buy him lunch before telling the man to go home. He sighed again but still can't help his smile. "See? It's so hard to eat. Maybe if I eat it from your fingers it'll taste better. Come on Love, you need to feed me. You should wake up and cook for me again too. I'm telling you, nothing can beat your cooking J."

No response but it's okay. Doctor Maria had already told him the anaesthetic would take some time to wear off. Maybe it'll take a few more minutes or an hour. Even then, she already warned him about the possibility of Jaejoong drifting in and out of consciousness because his body's still in shock.

Yunho don't really care.

As long as his Jaejoong will wake up in the end. He's going to wait here until the man does.

"How about you? You must be so hungry too. What would you like to eat? Chicken soup? Barbecued beef or pork? Seafood? Ah, let's eat all of those food after you're all better, okay? I promise I'll accompany you during your recovery time so we can go binge-eating together afterwards. Is that alright?" He laughed, feeling silly at the idea he just thought of. "I-"


Yunho got up quickly at the slightest of sound his beloved made. He repeatedly pressed on the button near the bed - already told to inform the doctors if Jaejoong's gaining his consciousness - and anxiously watched Jaejoong's expression. "J? J, Love?"

"Yunh..." His Jaejoong croaked, his voice rough and ugly for the lack of usage, as he finally opened his eyes. The man slowly blinked, again and again, no doubt trying to get his bearing and adapt to the light. "Yun...ho...yah...?"

Yunho let Doctor Lee pushed him aside knowing the man need to examine Jaejoong's condition but he stayed near the bed and smiled widely at the disoriented Jaejoong. You're okay, J. You did great. You did great, J.

"Welcome back, Mr Kim. You surprised us all." Doctor Lee praised warmly. To Yunho, he further added. "Everything's good. Just make sure he won't push himself too much. Straining the surgical injury will make his recuperation slow and might cause some problems in the future. So be careful. Especially, the area where we stitched him up."

"Baby?" Jaejoong suddenly whispered, eyes wide as he stared at his stomach.

"They're okay, J. You did it..." Yunho was quick to assure him, smiling while Doctor Lee and the nurse quietly left them alone. "You did great, Love, so great."

Jaejoong visibly deflated. Obviously his beloved had expected the worst. Amused, Yunho held his hand and squeezed.

"Yunhoyah..." Jaejoong tiredly called. "Drink?"

Yunho released his hand and quickly poured the man a glass of water. However, instead of helping the man to drink straight from the glass, Yunho used the straw prepared. He's fully aware Jaejoong shouldn't and couldn't propel his body up just yet. Patiently, Yunho helped him drink by slipping the straw slightly past his beloved's lips and encouraging the man to drink his fill.

After only drinking half the water, Jaejoong let the straw slip and weakly shook his head enough. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome, Love." Yunho smiled and patted Jaejoong's chapped lips with care. Upon noticing Jaejoong's struggle to stay awake, he leaned forward to kiss the man's forehead and later gently cup the man's face so that his beloved's all focused on him. "Remember what we discussed about? Your task is only to carry and deliver them. And you did it. You did it, Love... Now you must rest, okay? You need to get well fast because our babies still need you, okay?" Yunho nosed the man, feeling his heart swell at the adoring look in Jaejoong's eyes. "I'm here... Sleep, Love. It's okay. Everything's okay..."

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now