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It's done.

"Let's go home. I'm sure Jiho and Jihyo's searching for you by now." Yunho can't help his smile the moment he remembered his babies. God, he missed them so bad already.

"But Yunhoyah..." Jaejoong glanced at the crowd and the reporters flocking the Hall. He's not happy about leaving the twins at home but he's also uneasy to leave the funeral so early, aware of what people would assume since they'd only arrived barely half an hour ago. He just doesn't want to hear any bad remarks pointed at his Yunho. The people's already had enough fun speculating things about him because he never seemed to visit his father when he's dying.

It's not fair. They know nothing. Nothing at all.

Yunho however, smiled reassuringly at his beloved. "It's okay. We already paid our respect, didn't we? Whatever people say, we know we gave my father what he deserved. Nothing less, nothing more."

Jaejoong looked up at him, searching for any kind of lies or sadness or doubt. Something. Anything. He found none. Yunho's facial features remained calm and composed, the man's hand gentle on his back. Jaejoong thought his Yunhoyah seemed more carefree and relaxed for some reason. Maybe it's true. Maybe this it all they had to do.

After all, his Yunho had been a different man now. With the twins' arrival, he'd learnt to let go of his grudge for his father but Jaejoong knew forgiveness doesn't equal to forgetting. Nobody can erase his Yunhoyah's terrible memories of being unwanted and uncared for by his only living family. It'll do them no good if he forced him to. Even Jaejoong can't do that. But now, now it looks like they can really be happy. The man's gone. And they'll never carry a trace of him in theirs. No more.

Jaejoong almost pitied him had he not known the truth.

How can anyone not love their own flesh and blood simply because the mother is not someone he loved? Is it Yunho's fault his parents were stuck in an arranged marriage with no love? Is it his fault his father's lover killed herself upon knowing his refusal to decline the arrangement out of fear of losing everything; his wealth?

Jaejoong shook his head and his hand searched for Yunho's. "You'll never be like your parents." Jaejoong squeezed the hand in his grasp, smiling. "You're my Jung Yunho. My Yunhoyah. Our Jihoon and Jihyo are so lucky to have you as their Appa. Thank you... Thank you so much for being you. I love you, Yunhoyah."

Yunho merely chuckled in response but the sudden liquid in his eyes proved just how precious the assurance is to him. He'd been trying his best for the past one year and a half but he's still terrified sometimes. He's scared of losing Jaejoong, of failing his children. From time to time, he's weak but his beloved's always there with him. His Jaejoong never gave up. He's the reason Yunho's better than he ever knew he could be.

Jaejoong smiled in understanding. "Okay. Let's go, Yunhoyah. Let's go home."

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