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"Who do you think he is?"

"I don't know. Nobody moved here recently right? But from the look of it, he doesn't look like he can afford living here on his own, does he?" She giggled as her companion gasped at the scandalous insinuation before joining in the laughter.

How dare you?! My Jaejoong doesn't want anything I'm willing to give him except for my love! I want to give him everything but he only want me to love him back... How dare you judge him as the kind of man that would sell himself for money? Even though his heart is sreaming at their voices, it's also bleeding as memories from the past resurfaced. They reminded him that he'd done the same mistake barely a year ago. I'm so sorry my love... So sorry.

"Now that explain why we never saw him before this few weeks. And his strange walk. Pft."

He's walking like that because he's still recuperating! If you're in his shoes, if you live through all the sufferings and losses he had to face, you wouldn't even have the courage nor the motivation to get up!

"I know right." The taller girl sighed. "Whatever's happening to this world? Everyone's losing their dignity in front of money. What a shame."

Not my Jaejoong. Never my Jaejoong.

"Not everyone's born into a respectful family like us, Hye Mi ah."

So it's his fault he's an orphan? Yunho stepped closer, no longer bothering to mind his steps.

The two girls stopped laughing abruptly when they finally realized his presence. "Ah, Mr Jung!"

Yunho, still fuming from overhearing their conversation about his Jaejoong, ignored their flustered greeting. He coldly overlooked them, raising his hand to wave at Jaejoong who beamed beautifully when the man noticed him.

Yunho can't help but smile too.

Finally aware of the situation perhaps, the two girls was quick to scamper away. As if I'll let them get away.

Eyes still fixed on the approaching man, Yunho chuckled darkly. It's a total contrast from his gentle expression but that's to be expected.

Right now, Jaejoong can only see him. The man can't hear him.

"So this is the behaviour from daughters from the so called respectful families?" His tone was as unforgiving as always. Even more so because it's Jaejoong's honors he's trying to protect. "Talking behind one's back. Not offering any apology when it's due." Yunho finally turned at them. Smiling, he added. "Respectful indeed."

"Mr Jung, we-"


"Ah, Love." Automatically, Yunho pulled Jaejoong into his arms. Smiling at the blush on his beloved's face, he placed his left hand around Jaejoong's waist for assurance. "Let me introduce you to these two lovely ladies. We were just talking about you, about how hardworking you are to recover, you know?"

The girls reddened impossibly darker at his words.

"This is Park Hye Mi and Go Hyo Rin. They're kind of our neighbours." Yunho kissed the top of Jaejoong's head lovingly. "Say hi."

Shyly, his Jaejoong nodded. "Hello. My name's Kim Jaejoong. Nice to meet you."

Moving to stand behind Jaejoong, Yunho hugged him and placed his head on the man's shoulder. Staring straight at the frozen girls, he smirked. "My lovely Jaejoong is so gorgeous, isn't he? So perfect." Yunho supplied, earning a soft protest from the man in his hold.

"I'm so lucky, aren't I? Oh, no need to worry. I'll be sure to send our wedding invitation when we're getting married. It'll be a respectful enough ceremony for your families to attend, I'm sure. It's guaranteed to be grand. After all, J's my one and only."

"I- We better leave now."

"Yes! Goodbye!"

"Bye..?" Jaejoong was the only one who responded but that's fine. "Yunhoyah?"


"What happened?"

"Nothing." Yunho smiled at the half confused half flustered voice. Even if they never talked about marriage, yet, Jaejoong should know he's going to be a Jung someday. Sooner or later. However, Yunho would rather not tell him the reason why he brought the topic up in front of strangers. He just doesn't want Jaejoong to feel hurt. No more of that. No more sorry and no more sorrow. Only the happiness my Jaejoong deserved.


Yunho chuckled again at the petulant tone. So lovable. "Seriously, Love. It's nothing important."

Jaejoong huffed but like always, knew exactly when to stop asking. "Come on, let's go and eat? I'd already completed today's exercise. I'm really starving."

Yunho agreed easily. "Where do you want to go? The usual?"

The man nodded and excitedly grabbed Yunho's hand much to his amusement. Since he woke up from his coma three months ago, Jaejoong had improved so much. Not only physically but mentally as well. Nowadays, he's no longer insecure or shy to show his affection. Sometimes, he'll even bravely award Yunho with a kiss or two on his own initiative.

Yunho's honestly grateful. 


Walking with a moderate pace to suit his Jaejoong, Yunho hummed. "Hmm?"

"Doctor Kim said I only need to see her for a few more session right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I wonder..."


"After I'm better, what should I do? I can't just stay at home and do nothing. Right?"

Yunho had actually thought about it before so it was easy for him to respond. "I don't mind but J, what do you want to do?"

Jaejoong's grip around his hand loosened and Yunho gave a light squeze for support.

"To be honest, I don't know, Yunhoyah. Growing up, I never had any big dream or ambition... I just wanted to be happy and I want everyone I love happy too. I'll do anything for that. I told you before, right? The reason I came here to study was only because of my teachers' wish." Jaejoong sighed. "Sadly, I had to disappoint them." 

Yunho paused. He's again tempted to apologize but bit his tongue because of his promise. "Love, why don't you finish your study? I know you dropped out but considering your situation back then, I can pull some strings now to let you continue your last semester."

"No! I can't let you do that!"

"So what should I do then? I was clearly the reason you dropped out when you could just postpone the semester instead, aren't I?" Yunho couldn't help but get upset at the reminder of how he scared Jaejoong off and drove him away. I was so selfish and stupid.

"Yunhoyah... I'm sorry... Don't cry..."

"I'm not crying."

"Not yet." Jaejoong's soft, understanding whisper, broke him.

Unable to hold it in anymore, Yunho stopped in his track and pulled Jaejoong for a desperate hug. He buried his face in between the crook of Jaejoong's neck and shoulder, silently tearing up as Jaejoong embraced him kindly. They no longer cared about anyone else still lingering in the  park.

"Shhh it's okay, Yunhoyah. I'm okay."

"I'll do anything for you, J. Anything." He cried out reverently. I want to at least try to redeem my mistakes. "Let me love you. Please just let me love you, J. Properly. Completely. I want to love you. I just want to love you."

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now