Life is a Dream

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"Yunhoyah? Why- What's the meaning of this?"

Jaejoong couldn't stop the tears. And maybe he doesn't really need to. It's tears of happiness after all.

Because right now...

In front of him...

The love of his life, Jung Yunho's kneeling with a ring in his hand.

His Yunhoyah smiled sheepishly despite the glassy look in his own eyes and Jaejoong wondered if it's healthy to keep falling for the man all over again, again and always.

The man cleared his throat and looked up, looking straight into his eyes. "Kim Jaejoong."


"We- Can you believe how time flew?" He chuckled helplessly and Jaejoong did the same. He had a feeling his Yunhoyah forgot his script. No wonder the man had been acting suspiciously these past few days, muttering things every now and then as if practicing a speech but always stopping whenever Jaejoong made his presence known. My silly Yunhoyah...

"We've been together for almost four years now, J and... My life had been crazy and hectic and wonderful and happy and it's- It's all because of you and the twins. And I know we both don't need a marriage to happen to have that perfect life - I mean, we're already living it - but I'm a greedy man... I want to be able to tell people that you, Kim-Jung Jaejoong is my spouse. That this amazing father to my children is my one and only in the eyes of God and the law." He inhaled, already shaky and trembling by now. "J, Love, you know I never think much about marriage because of what happened with my parents but with you... It's so different. Marriage..." Yumho choked again and Jaejoong felt himself tearing up more. "I never know something that meant so little to me before means everything to me now... J, please, I want everyone to know how lucky I am to be tied to you in a marriage. To share our life together with the blessings of God and- Shit, I'm not supposed to cry."

Jaejoong laughed then, smiling as he kneeled right in front of the man. There's never any need for a romantic proposal. Never.  Palming Yunho's face lovingly, he requested with a whisper. "Yunhoyah... Say it."

"I-" His Yunhoyah slowly nodded. Squaring his shoulder, he started. "Kim Jaejoong, will you marry me?"

Jaejoong beamed. "Anytime, Yunhoyah. I will." Allowing Yunho to first slip the ring on his finger, he leaned forward for a chaste kiss and hugged him after. Both silently crying and trying to comfort the other.

"I love you so much J... Thank you for giving me a chance... For not leaving. I love you..."

While Jaejoong usually get mad whenever the other man said anything about the past, this time he let it slip. "I love you too." And then, Jaejoong promised once more. "Forever and always..."

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now