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Jaejoong can't exactly remember what happened but he must've woken up with a start because of that terrible nightmare. The misery and worry he felt upon meeting Yunho again, even in just a dream, was horrible and Jaejoong don't want to face such reality ever.

"Eh?" Jaejoong frowned and started panicking the moment he realized he's somewhere familiar. Not again... not again... please... He scrambled to leave the bed only to freeze when the door opened. Why is the reality like this too?

"You're up." Yunho seemed genuinely relieved. The man rushed to him and Jaejoong got more confused with the way he's acting.

"I can do it myself." Jaejoong rejected Yunho's help and scooted further from the man.

Yunho scoffed. He turned away and silence hung heavily between them.

"Why am I here?"

"You fainted. I brought you home according to the doctor's advice. What are you thinking straining yourself like that when you're pregnant? You have to think of our baby."

There's definitely nothing wrong with the man's words but Jaejoong found himself feeling totally thrashed and looked down upon. How dare he... Scowling, Jaejoong quickly got up. Should he be happy that even though the man hate him, he still want his baby? No. "You don't know a thing." He responded heatedly. "This is my baby. I know what I'm doing. Thank you for helping me but I'll appeciate it if you never appear in our life again."

Yunho's chuckle however stopped him from stepping out. "I really don't want to use this but Jaejoong, there's no way I'm letting you harm the baby." Jaejoong was jus about to retort before Yunho's next words forced him to close his mouth. "You think I don't know? You're living like a beggar for the past few months and you can't even feed yourself. Do you know how malnourished you are? The doctor's even surprised how you still have the baby! With the way you're going, we're going to lose the baby sooner or later!"

"Stop..." Jaejong croaked out pitifully. How could you...

"I can use the doctor's report to bring you to court Jaejoong. I can sue you. I can even make you hand over the baby once it's born and you'll never see our baby again. Is that what you want?"

Jaejoong whimpered and shook his head. He brought his hands around his round stomach and hugged himself as he stared pleadingly at the man. "Please... You can't... Not my baby... Please Yunhoyah, don't take my baby... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... But you can't do this... Please don't separate me from my baby... I'll die without my baby. Yunhoyah, I'll really die."

"I won't if you stay here and let me take care of you and the baby. I'm sure we can arrange for something when the baby's born so that both of us will be present in his or her life. Okay? Okay."

Jaejong doesn't need to say anything. He'd already lost. All he can do now is cry and cry he would.

JUST LIKE A BROKEN DOLL (BUT I STILL LOVE YOU)Where stories live. Discover now