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His real name is Han Jaejoong but when he's adopted as a baby, his adoptive parents changed his surname to theirs so he had always been known as Kim Jaejoong. Even when he was sent back to the orphanage at the age of 13 after his adoptive parents were killed in an accident, Jaejoong had always regard himself as a Kim.

He's a quiet kid when growing up, not really because he's shy or timid, but more because he's a very delicate person. He's someone who thinks and feels too much. Somehow the world became a place he can't really fit in and so he amuses himself by becoming a silent, detached observer. That's how he came to know everyone he ever crossed path with and yet never been able to be close with any of them. Never really wanted to, actually.

But that changed when he met him.

To be honest, Jaejoong never wanted to go to college in the first place. But his results were so good his teachers thought it'll be waste if he really settled for working at some random supermarket in town for the rest of his life. Jaejoong too, realized that he can't really do much to repay the orphanage that took care of him for the past 6 years with the pay of a cashier. He's not close with anyone there, yes, but he adores and cares for everyone in the orphanage. They're the only ones he can call family and he wanted to help them any way he can.

So, when his teachers told him they'll help him apply for scholarship if he continue his study, he agreed.

That's how he came to stay in Seoul for his study at the University of Korea and how he met him.

For the first semester, all students are expected to live in the well-equipped dormitory and Jung Yunho happened to be his roommate then. Whether it's fate or just a mere coincidence, Yunho was the one assigned to the same room with Jaejoong.

At first, Jaejoong didn't really want to get to know him. Unlike Jaejoong who spent most of his time in the dormitory, Yunho rarely stayed long or spent the night in their room. The lack of his stuffs in the room was enough evidence for that. The man usually only came in between classes every now and then to freshen himself or take a quick nap. Most of the times, he didn't even acknowledge Jaejoong's presence.

And Jaejoong was fine with that. He's content with how things were because he knew his roommate's a rich heir. He's simply not someone you can just befriend especially because the man seemed to hate people in general. The man's presence, just a few days younger, intimidated him unlike anyone he ever met before.

The funny thing was that even though they both took Business and Administration, the classes they registered for was mostly at different time and place that semester. There was simply no opportunity for them to even see each other if they weren't roomed together.

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