One in a Million (Severus Snape)

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**ALL  RIGHTS ARE J.K ROWLING's besides Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I don't know why their eyes land on me with such peircing stares. I have yet to find one that isn't questioning my arrival, isn't pondering the very thought of my existance. It's already hard enough having to deal with family and friends, the ones who claim to be mine anyways. Yet I know the truth, always have. I cannot help the fact that I'm different from everyone else. I cannot even tell you why. I can however allow you to be apart of this journey I'm about to face head on as I'm under constant watch of those around me.

My name is Ariadne Aleacia Pierce. Even before I came to this place, I was able to do things many would think absurd. I know for a fact that this world is real and that governments have worked together to keep everything unseen to the normal eye. Have allowed people to assume that magic is fantasy. That we have made it, not the very fact that it has been truth this whole time. A society living right beside us acting like the rest in order to keep peace.
Let me go back quiet a few years with further explanation.

I remember waking up on the third floor in the small wooden cot beside the old victorian window that faced the streets of Saint John, New Brunswick Canada. If you looked just beyond the street, you could see the soft welcoming start of Courteney Bay. It had been the same spot since I've been here. Since I arrived four years ago. Where? You might ask. Zaggings Orphange.

An infant born to no one and left at the door step for the caretakers to find with only a name and birthdate to claim as her own.

This particular time, this one morning changed my life forever with no turning back. It was colder out than normal but not enough to faze many as I watched with the rising sun and darkend clouds as the grown-ups headed out to start a new day. I watched crouched on my knees looking at the street below as cars and people strolled by. When you're four years old everything is fasinating and new even if you've seen it a dozen times before. This time I watched as a dog had run into the road after a stick its owner had thrown for it. Sure it wasn't that exciting but it was new.

However, the owner had not been looking down the road or around the corner where cars on either side had yet to even notice the dog being there. I recall watching with wide eyes hoping the dog would move, would get out of the way. That's when I shot my hands up against the window pane and cried stop while pushing them away from the dog in the directions the cars had come. 
I remember staring at my hands in wonder and thought it was magic. I had made the cars move back so the dog would live.

After that, things began to develope. I could hear everything others were thinking and saying even if the words never came out of their mouths. Something that could scare even adults if they found out the truth of what others said and thought. I could make things happen beknowest of my actually doing it too.

When I was five, I had missed getting up for breakfast when Ms. Caddy was serving it. I wasn't allowed to eat until lunch and we were to play outside until then. Off in a corner with a growling stomach by myself, I had looked at a rock and pretended it was a crab apple. After holding it in my tiny hands pretending such a thing, it actually did come true. It changed. One moment a hard and solid the next soft and edible.

Over time I had come to realize that I was not like the other kids or adults that surrounded me. I enjoyed being on my own away from what they would say or what they could and would do. I had made my own world in order to survive the one I was forced to live in. I would wave my hands, hand or even my pointer finger at things with made up words to get things done. 

Words that to any normal person would think stupid or abnormal but I needn't care or worry. Jibberish really. Most of the time I just thought of what I wanted or wanted to happen.

Concotions fomulated as I began to become creative in the kitchens. Things that I found lying around the Orphanage or outside, sometimes even in the woods or caves that I began to explore would find themselves either healing others or make something completely dfferent that I stored away until I thought could be used.

When I hit the age of 16 I had mastered things beyond anyone's control. I had power but with that power came resposiblity and control. Walking across the pier with my white dress and dark brown almost black straight hair blowing in the wind I watched as the rough sea crashed against the boulders.

Off in the distance I could hear the warning bell of a ship and at a sly glance, I could tell they were in trouble. The wind picked up and no one seemed to do anything or even see what I was seeing. Getting too close for comfort on either ends, I did what I thought was best. I lifted my left hand in hopes to stop the speeding cargo ship or turning it in the other direction so they wouldn't crash.

Feeling the pressure I lifted my right hand trying my best to stay on my feet. Though the wind and ocean water came harder spraying about my feet, I could feel sweat dripping down my brow. At the last moment, I screamed using all the force I had. Not only did the cargo ship slow down and turn the opposite direction, the wind and waves ceased.

After that I moved. I left the one place I knew my entire life and travelled the world. After four years it's comes down to this:

1. London, England is one of the most amazing places I've ever been.

2. Magic is real and so is the wizarding and witch world

3. There are schools for kids with magical parents or even muggle borns who have the abilities; such as Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts

4. I'm the only one my age to have to powers to do what I have done.

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