Chapter 3

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**All Rights are J.K Rowling's besides Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

It was nearly 3 in the morning by the time everything was said and done. In the end, the Ministry had mentioned and wanted to keep me on the low down from watchful eyes. Everything seen, heard and tasted was to be strictly confidential and those who violated such a thing would go straight to prison or in the Wizarding world, Azkaban. It seemed like a harsh punishment but I did ask for me to be known to few for hating too much attention. In the end the outcome was made.

As the spectators left through the fireplace, which was called 'The Floo Network' and I was given high appraisal from the Minister, Headmaster Dumbledore called to his staff and to myself to please go with him to his office. They never questioned his statement and I knew without needing to. He wanted to give his memories to a flask in order to re watch or to savour for a much later dated. He also wanted to discuss further matters about what was going to happen here on out. 

"Miss. Pierce"

I turned my gaze and tilted my head towards the much taller woman on my right. Professor Sybill Trelawney, an amazing woman of her time and the Divination teacher for Hogwarts, one who can see into the future, called upon my attention. 

"Yes, Professor Trelawney?"

"You have done amazingly well tonight. Perhaps we could get together sometime for tea?"

I smiled at the middle aged woman.

"That would be lovely, thank-you."

As we approached a stone statue of a gargoyle, the Headmaster gave the password. Something along the lines of 'Bitter cherry pops'. Weird, but it worked and the statue jumped to life and out of the way producing a hidden spiral stone staircase. One by one we all took step by step up the stairs until coming to a wooden door and then to a grand room known as the Headmaster's Office. Portraits of elderly men and few women looked and sounded as if they were sleeping soundly. Peaceful and welcoming for any occasion.

Before I could look any further into the office, a fiery red blur perched itself upon my right shoulder lightly to then nuzzle into my cheek.

A phoenix and one of the lasts of its kind named Fawkes. A beautiful red and gold plumage. A long drawl came from the bird's beak as our eyes connected with each other.


"Hello Mr. Fawkes."

~You are new and different.~

"Yes, I've been told that quite a lot since I arrived here not too long ago."

I smiled at the bird and all the commotion I had caused since then. Everyone of the staff members looked even more in awe towards me. Something I'm sure will be even harder in getting use to later on.

~You are extraordinary.~

"I believe you are being too nice."

~No, I am not. One in a million yet like no other before yourself.~

"I wouldn't know. Sorry."

~Apologizes need no interference. You are unique. Much like myself. We will have much more chats Miss. Pierce. Thank-you for listening.~

"Pleasure is all mine Mr. Fawkes."

The phoenix nuzzled itself into my cheek once more before picking itself up and flying back over to its perch and closing its eyes. None of the professors spoke or made a notion to do just that. Feeling the sun wanting to rise, I broke the silence.

"I'm officially greeted and welcomed."

Few chuckles came from those around me as I brought them back from shock.

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