Chapter 48

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Severus' pov

I took the stone steps one at a time. The slight heel on my shoes clicked loudly and echoed about the spiral I was climbing. The chill of the wind that blew caused my skin to stand on end as it whistled through the cracks in the stone structure. As I came to the alcove in the wall, I stood my ground as I waited for everyone else to arrive. The holidays were over and I had to make an appearance to those who knew where I stood over Hogwarts. Though there was a chill, the snow for the most part was gone and the courtyard was bare.

I couldn't believe how much time has flown by. 

My children, my little Davin and Aura were 1 1/2 months old already. They both had dark brown hair that was coming in thicker than I'd ever seen. They both had their Mother's eye changing characteristics but still went back to their dark brown eye colour since they had yet to even comprehend what was happening. They both had their own personalities and kept myself and Aria guessing from time to time.  

Christmas came and went and everyone went off on their own. Not even Kellick and Aria came over for they had taken off to some resort in the Americas. Since we had so much time to finally just be together without anyone surprising us, we decided to convert the closest bedroom to ours into the Twins. 

Aria had decided that instead of using magic, that we would do so the Muggle way. It was the first time I had ever picked up a paintbrush, used this substance called paint and coloured the walls. I had learnt about a staple gun and put carpet down over top of the wooden floors so the twins could lie about the floor without worry. We even put the cribs together by hand. Those tools that Muggles use are such a pain in the ass! But it was a nicer time getting to spend it all with my family.

Ariadne has proved to me time and time over at how amazing she can be. 

How her natural instinct kicks in even before mine does.

Sometimes I swear she is able to just time everything perfectly even when it comes to changing and feeding the Twins.

Their little outfits match perfectly and I must say, they do look adorable.

Just as a smile claimed my lips, it vanished as a crowd of moving black started up the path. I watched as Death Eaters claimed sides and moved along as the students in each house were in formation squares, marching up towards Hogwarts.

Yet another semester of hiding away from what I hated most. 

As they took their time, one foot in front of the other, not a single peep escaped their mouths as if they were zombies. I truly feared for each of these kids as my Father instincts kicked in. Something I was slowly getting used to considering of my little ones back home.

As they all finally ascended into Hogwarts, I took my time getting back to where I had to show my face. It was a pain in the ass as everywhere had been darkened or dimmed to make Hogwarts seem like an evil and hated place. Very few torches were lit as the sun was setting behind the thick cloud cover. 

Rounding a corner, I stop midway to see Draco sitting off into a corner near one of the many windows. He was staring out into the distance with something in his hand, as his left leg hung loosely and lay lightly about the floor. Since the twins were born, he had yet to even had the chance to leave for fear Riddle was getting suspicious of his disappearances.

"Oh Aura, my sweet little Goddaughter how big you've grown, so precious and born to such hard times. I'll make sure you grow up strong."

Draco's words caught me off guard by far.

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