Chapter 7

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts everything/one dealing with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

****Thank-you to everyone who has voted and are reading my story! It means so much! Sorry for not updating sooner!****


When I woke up I realized that I had 15 minutes to be sitting at the breakfast table in the Great Hall. Jumping out of bed I was extremely grateful my parents had me and gave me the powers they did. I wouldn't have been able to look refreshed, hair and teeth brushed, new change of clothes and all of my papers gathered besides jogging 4 flights of stair downwards.

Not watching where I was heading I bashed into something only to topple over with myself on top and inches away from the persons' face all the while with my eyes closed. Opening them carefully, I blinked in shock and nervousness. I had crashed into Severus Snape! 


Scrabbling to get up and off I pulled Severus up with me before making the rest of the way with a blushing face into the Great Hall only I didn't make it that far. I was pulled into an empty corridor. That is when verbal vomit came in a huge dosage.

"I'msosorryIdidn'tmeantocrashintoyouandmakeusfall!IknowIwasbeingcarelessandastupidgirlfornotwatchingbutIdidn'twanttobelateanddisapointanyone!!!! Please forgiv--"

Severus Snape cut me off by kissing me again only this time it was full of passion and another emotion I didn't understand and wait... Was I kissing... back? Breaking a part I looked down knowing I couldn't meet his eyes. What would I find when I did? What was going on? What was happening?

I felt his rough yet strong fingers under my chin to lift my face to his. As I did, I began to swim in black pools of swirling somethings. I couldn't move and after a minute or two I forgot that I wasn't breathing. Inhaling sharply I managed to bring both of us back to reality. 

"Sorry Severus I swear I didn't mean to. You alright?"

"It's fine Miss. Pierce. Make sure it doesn't happen again."

I stared at him blankly watching his retreating form. Was he talking about colliding into him or kissing back? I scratched the back of my head and made my way into the crowded Great Hall all the while feeling Dumbledore's gaze upon me with a tiny smile at the crook of his mouth and a twinkle in his eye. Oh... What was it again that he had said before I past out?

Racking my brain just in time for the Post to arrive, I ended up with a bunch of owls around my seat. All hand scripted letters except for one, that ended up being a parcel of some sort. Taking them from the birds and giving them each a piece of waffle from my plate, they took off back to their destinations in which they had come. 

It turns out I was going to be in trouble really really soon. The first three were from St. Mungo's Hospital thanking me for the Burn Paste and Toxieclume. One was from the Ministry-- oopsie!-- They wanted to meet with me Sunday coming and the last letter was from Mrs. Longbottom Sr. She couldn't thank me enough for giving her son and daughter-in-law back to Neville. The parcel however was not signed by anyone. Turning it over a couple of times just to make sure, I shrugged and opened it up. My eyes widened as I gasped. There inside this box was another from a jewelers. I had opened it to find a beautiful sliver double open flower necklace with demantiod garnet in the smaller petals. Those gems were so hard to find! I couldn't believe it. Someone had bought this expensive piece of jewelry and I hoped they made a mistake and I could send it back for its rightful owner. Carefully placing the box down, I searched for a note under the soft padding. At the very bottom held an anonymous note in a penmanship's like a woman's.

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