Chapter 8

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

****Thank-you to you all for reading my story!! It means a great deal to me!!****


Saturday was non-eventful. I just took it easy by just simply lazing about my suit staring up at the cloudy projection sky and tried to do some research on my Grandparents. Well as much as I could with what limited amount there was in Hogwarts. It only gave their names and where they lived. My Mum's parents live in Switzerland as my Dad's parents live in France talk about two completely different countries and languages! 

Today being Sunday, I was on my way to the Ministry for Magic to speak directly with whomever requested my presence. Having addressed this to Dumbledore and coming down to the worst possible out come, he though it best that Severus accompanied me just in case anything were to go wrong or needed finalization, Severus would be able to step in and back me until word was sent to Dumbledore and things could be settled further. 

Let me tell you the journey there had been somewhat stifling. Eye contact was made more between us than words were shared and I only hoped it wasn't going to be like this when returning back. I don't think I'd be able to handle complete silence again.

It was weird how we were to get to the main floor of the Ministry. Flushing ourselves down toilets was definitely not the way I had planned on getting into the building. 


I may have done crazy and not so good things in my life time but that was newest and most put off thing ever! 

So glad they were clean and that we were completely dry once we came out the other side! I was in sandal heels for crying out loud!

Yes, I did squeal. 

Yes, that does prove I am female.

No, it does not mean I can't handle getting dirty.

Hello!? I lived in caves and woods some of those years I was on my own. H3ll! Why do you think I created spells for refreshing? I wasn't always near showers or bathrooms!

(Anyways! Moving along!)

Having no idea where I was going in such a vast and beautiful place, I aimlessly wondered about and found myself wanting to see the enormous fountain in the middle of it all. Looking at the detail once I got closer I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How could anyone put up with it?

Muggles were at the bottom all mangled and disfigured as house elves and dwarfs were only slightly higher. They were all holding up a platform as centaurs climbed the edges. In the end a witch and wizard stood tall with wands in the air claiming most powerful and worthy above all.

I was appalled yet lost in the faces of those on the lower levels. Anyone of us could be like them. Could be stripped of a birthright before it ever crossed their minds. To do things with our hands and call it hard labour instead of waving a stick around commanding the items do the jobs on their own.

I haven't a clue how long I lost myself and looking silly standing by myself. But I was brought back to reality as a sturdy hand grasped mine and pulled me along. The warmth that wrapped my fingers tingled and crawled up my arm wanting me to go limb. 

"Miss. Pierce. Looking at a fountain when you are due somewhere else is improper and definitely draws suspicion and stupidity to yourself. Have common sense where it needs to be or find someone else's time to waste."

I scoffed. How dare he! 

Wrenching my hand from His, I stormed away from Him and over to the witch sitting behind a desk.

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