Chapter 28

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**


Since Severus came around and I turned 21, it's been 8 1/2 solid weeks that I've been working non-stop. I've been trying hard to gather up different sightings of different Death Eaters and possible places they could be residing and if they link up to the disruptions throughout the Muggle world. It's 8 in the morning and I'm nowhere near at full potential of being awake. Lately I've been really tired and I seem to wear comfy clothing rather than the fancy ones I'm usually wearing. I feel as if I've gained weight rather than being the size I normally am and quite a lot of things have put me off entirely. 

Going through certain ones that I made sure were not included or have been tried and found not guilty, I made an effort into seeing about their most recent engagements or movements since then. In doing so I lost myself in my own thoughts. A scent flooded my senses that curdled my stomach on an instant and everything that I was able to keep down at Breakfast, rose to the surface as I rushed to my solid metal garbage bin before it ended up elsewhere. Wiping my mouth clean and doing away with the contents from my stomach. I got up off the floor from being on my knees, the Minister, a woman and another man both that looked slightly familiar were looking at me from my door way.

"Is everything alright Miss. Pierce?"

"Yes Sir, it must have been something I ate that didn't settle right. What can I do for you Minister and Guests?"

I smiled looking up at the three people, the two people made me feel as if I knew them from somewhere seemed to be possible siblings or something. He was tall about 6'1 and built with his left ear pierced and shaved short cut hair with deep ocean blue eyes. His beard was like a chin strap with a mustache together but looked as if it was oddly shaved or that he had a hard time growing it or something. He wore Muggle clothes as if his life depended on it but it was obvious that he much rather look like one than be questioned all the time. The woman was shorter than him, roughly 5'5, had blond hair pulled back with the same deep ocean blue eyes. She looked fit thanks to her tight forming clothing which were also Muggle like. 

"This is Mr. Ledger and his sister Miss. Ledger, they have come from the States and Canada. Mr. Ledger has been an Auror over there for 5 years and is highly respectable. Miss. Ledger has been doing odd jobs here and there thanks to her brother's line of work. I would like you to please fill Mr. Ledger in on what has been going on straight away."

"Yes, Sir."

I watched as the Minister shut the door and walked away leaving Mr. Ledger and his sister in my doorway. I didn't know if having a partner in this would be a good thing let alone having others to deal with. It was bad enough Lupin played a huge part in Tonks' view thus making me feel less of a person since hearing about what I caused at Hogwarts. 

"Miss. Pierce?"


I turned my attention in the new Auror's direction. 

"You both may sit. Sorry, I'm just distracted. Now, what did you say your names were?"

The siblings sat in the chairs provided. This was going to be an interesting couple of hours for the time being.

"I'm Heath and this is Arlette."

I looked from one to the other before it dawned on me. 

I knew these two!

They were at Zagging's Orphanage with me!


Talk about small world.

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