Chapter 5

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K ROWLINGS excepts Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

*** Sorry it took me a while! Please don't hate me!!!***

I took the scroll from my plate and tucked it safely into my sweater pocket. I had a feeling I'd be meeting up with someone pretty soon. 

Taking a swing of the pumpkin juice provided, the feeling of being watched crept upon me from my right. I needn't turn my head to know Severus Snape was the culprit.


Severus jumped at my voice. Apparently I'm scary or something though I did see something creep upon his cheeks. A blush maybe? I smiled.

"Were you needing anything Professor?"

I tilted my head slightly to the left waiting for his response. I was trying my d@mndest not to allow his thoughts spill into my head. 

"You seem too much at your leisure. If I were you, I'd be cautious of those around you, including those who become too friendly."

I giggled lightly at his comment.

"I'm probably the one most dangerous to them but thank-you for your concern."

Severus opened his mouth, frowned lightly and then turned to engage conversation with another on his right. I took this as a chance to leave. 

I could finally go an lounge in the room provided. My room. Tears began to cloud my vision. I finally had a place to call my own for the first time. I didn't have to worry about the cold. I didn't have to wonder where I was going next or if there would be a roof over my head or even food in my stomach... 

I shook my head of those thoughts. I was grateful and that should be the end of it all.

Blowing the pile of lilies, the portrait opened to a small standing room before the heavy wooden door leading inwards. The room was dimly lit by the fireplace as I collapsed onto the nearest leather couch. Looking upwards didn't have such an appeal as I liked, flicking my fingers it too turned like the Great Halls' ceiling. The night sky shone brightly displaying twinkling stars. So pretty.

Taking the scoll from my pocket, I decided now would be a good time to read it.

Miss. Pierce:

One would find it odd that I am writing such a way or such a thing. But I cannot help the fact that you are owed a great and many thanks. It has been years since I showed the woman I married and care, gratitude or love and after last night I am thankful you called upon me to be apart of your test. 

I know that I should not speak of what I had seen or am witnessing but its the first time I have seen my wife and son the way a Husband and Father should. 

Lucius Malfoy

Ps. Don't expect future greetings as such. 

It was an interesting letter I received. One not expected yet grateful nonetheless. Feeling calmer than normal, I decided to change. A dark comfy midnight blue dress hung off me nicely.  once I twirled my fingers about myself. It wasn't formal of any kind but one that you could wear to anything if wanted to. It was only 6:30pm and I made no other plans. Those were for tomorrow when I met up with the students I talked to. 

Deciding on what to do, I pulled everything out of the bag I used for my personal things and went over to the table to sort them out.

Books, papers, pencils [from the muggle world], quills, baby jars and test tubes littered the table. The books and papers held recipes, remedies and fun things I had come up with, made and tried on others. They were things I kept but not as treasured as the ones in my little leather bound book I always kept near me. The baby jars were ingredients I stalked up on for the ones I thought were most efficient day to day. But right now I really wanted to make something.

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