Chapter 14

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

*****Thank-you to you all for reading my story!! It means a great deal to me!!*****


I've been up half the night.

Strike that.

I never closed my eyes.

I laid here on my bed staring up at the ceiling the entire bloody night!

It wasn't because I couldn't sleep. H3ll I tried so hard to sleep.

But that new guy gave me the creeps.

Why would he be here?

How did he know my full name?

How was he able to do what he did?

Sighing, I rolled off my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I got out with a towel wrapped around myself and long hair still dripping wet, I looked at the heavy bags under my eyes.

Great. Just great.

That was the last thing I wanted was to let the new guy know he affected my slumber.

Walking out of the bathroom, and into my common room still the way I was just moments before to check the schedule of what time we were suppose to meet in the court yard, I scream having come face to face with Severus Snape.





"I'm not dressed!"

Turning swiftly to go change with a bright red face of pure embarrassment, I was pulled back into Severus' chest as his arms wrapped around me tightly kissing me all at once. I melted and kissed him back.

I missed this.

Then I realized I was still in a towel.

Pulling back, I left in a haste to go find something decent to wear.

Wow! Scared the crap out of me!

My face was so red that I grabbed the first dress in my closest my Mum had worn- yes they fit me! well sort of, I upped the sizes to my liking- and pulled my hair in a sideways messy braid, brushed my teeth and nearly choking on my saliva for forgetting the most important piece of clothing: my underwear. Slipping shoes on and grabbed my cloak and then finally stepping out into my common room to be greeted again by Severus claiming my mouth with his.

I felt so small next to him but I fit too.

Does that make any sense?

"So, I'm dressed now."

I smiled looking into his eyes.

"That you are."

~"Though I much preferred that show."~

I gasped and hit him lightly as my blush came back at full force.

"One should never read the thoughts of any other if they do not expect the outcome, Ariadne."

Severus came with amusement shone on his face.

"You laugh at me Severus?"

"Just simply amused by such an innocent reaction."

I gaped at him as a corner smile reached his face as I realized something.

"How did you get in here Severus?"

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