Chapter 51

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Normal pov!!

It's been a quite a long time since Severus had gone back to Hogwarts. These days he's hardly around and I find that I miss him more often than not. The twins are a getting quite big these days as they have reached the 4 month mark. They seem to be content with playing with each other and their little feet and hands. Their hair has gotten a little longer since the photo we took of them as Aura's has started to lighten and Davin's has gone even darker. Their eyes still change colours and I often find myself just staring for hours on end to see which colour is used the most. Though the other powers I have have yet to show, it's still a bit too early considering I was 4 years old when gaining mine.

They now only drink from bottles as they've become more independent. I have tried small amounts of baby food but have only gotten as far as mash banana. 

Though I've spent my days wondering how everyone has been keeping, I try my best not to feel so lonely. I feel as if I've missed out on a lot of fun and exciting things while I'm on lock down in my own home and not even Draco has come by to visit.

With Harry, Ron and Herminone on the move, everyone seemed to be on edge even more. I knew they were trying to get a hold on themselves to find more clues but at this point in time, all was at a loss. They wondered about London and other places they thought would trigger up some kind of knowledge but alas to no prevail. The only way I knew this was by having made a charm on a bowl of water to search the three of them out. I was pretty proud of myself when I found out that I was practically sitting in their tent listening in on their whole conversations. 

At one point I tweaked my own charm to allow them to see me and to talk with me. I had made the water bowl a projection of myself in order to converse. It must had been the most excitement I had in ages.

~I could hear their voices going over the fine tuning of what needed to be done. I could see them through the water clearly as if they were an arm's reach away. With my twins sound asleep, I carefully put my face into the bowl like you would in a pool, pensive or a sink when washing your face. The water had a refreshing coolness as I materialized into the tent. I was officially sitting at the wooden table when I opened my eyes.

"Well hello you three."

Those first words that came from my mouth caused all three of them to fall off of their spots at the table and land in a heap on the floor. Poor Ronald happened to be the closest to the edge and fell flat on his back on the hard ground. A whole extra 2 feet to fall from.


All three of them came with blushing and startled faces. As they got up with shaking legs, I just 'sat' in my spot studying my creation. I was translucent so semi- see through and even though only my head was in the bowl, my whole body was there. 

"What!? How!?"

I laughed.

"I decided that I wanted to try something and I figured since I haven't seen or heard from you in a while, why not find you three? Don't worry, nobody knows of this besides myself and you guys. You're perfectly safe."

"You couldn't have given us any warning?"

Ronald came up the couple of stairs while rubbing his head.

"How could she have? Ms. Pierce just said she wanted to try it out."

Hermione stated while putting her left leg back under the table.

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