Chapter 45

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Normal pov

Even though I was completely protected about me thanks to the many layers of enchantments and things but being alone and the slight possibility that they could get in, scared me. I had made it so my house could be seen again as to appear not so obvious as to my living here. It's been two weeks since Harry warned me. Two agonizing weeks of barely sleeping and worrying. I even sent word to the others informing them that they were to stay away. That even if they came back, I wasn't going to let them through the barriers for the sole reason of wanting them to go into hiding. Thankfully no one showed up.

My heart went out to everyone I loved and adored. With the heavy weight of Riddle having my Grandparents, was the hardest since I just got them back. I just got a family, my family for the first time in my life. 

I sighed.

These days I felt the safest in my basement. I couldn't go to any of the rooms in fear of someone finding me. Was I a paranoid mess? Yes, yes I was. Even the radio scared me when I would forget to turn it off. 

Writing in my journal I've been logging in about my pregnancy with random photos of sizes I've become over time, has kept me sane. I was writing to my children. Telling them how much I loved them, about their Father and about the time they were being born into. 


I set down the quill I was using just as a letter came through the fire place causing me to jump but I still managed to get up to get it.

It was from Severus.

I knew because I memorized his script.

Slowly opening the letter scared of it's contents, the only words written were:

4 minutes

Open fire place..


I didn't have time to comprehend anything as I fixed the fireplace. Not a second later, Severus came through startling me into a tackle embrace crushing my stomach at the same time I flicked my fingers reversing what I had just fixed.

"You shouldn't be here Severus!"

"You shouldn't be alone my love, not now."

I frowned lightly and glanced up at my husband. His lips claimed mine in seconds pulling me even closer to his chest if possible. Our little ones kicked wildly having heard Severus voice.

When we finally lost our breaths, we broke apart and I spoke.

"Severus you shouldn't be here! Seriously, what were you thinking? You'll give everything you've worked hard for away."

Severus put his hands on my shoulders looking me full in the face.

"Yes! I should! You are my wife and you are carrying my children!"

I smiled lightly at his words so heart filled by this man before me.

"He's coming now isn't he."

It wasn't a question that came from my mouth but a statement.

"Yes and my place is with you. I can't live knowing he's after you and Potter. But right now, you are my main concern. Please don't tell my to leave your side right now, I won't be able to bare it if you do."

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