Chapter 22

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 **ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I love you guys soo much for liking my story!!!!!!!!!! 

Enjoy the chapter!! :DDDD


 Severus' POV

I could have sworn I woke- up semi delusional sometime or other. 

At one point I was in front of my class teaching about the rights and wrongs of potion making, the next I was in extreme pain and then I black out while hearing screams in the background. 

Throughout the whole thing darkness consumed me. 

Every fiber of my being ached and felt in pain most couldn't bare to feel. I know I yelled out into the darkness needing release of this scorching pain at random moments. I fought for control like I've never done before. I wanted to know what was going on, what was happening/

I couldn't tell how long it went on and in the end I succumbed once again into darkness but not before hearing a faint calling as if it were mere whisper on a gust of air.

"I love you Severus..."


Feeling myself coming to was the worst feeling. Not knowing what made me such a way irked me to the core. What pissed me off the most was the very fact that I was bound to the bloody cot in the Infirmary. My legs in three different places, my torso and the top of my arms followed suit. I could barely move and I could feel how stiff I had become thanks to just bindings alone. 

Turning my head while getting the kinks out of my neck, my eyes swift over the small private space I was given. By passing the side table I looked down my nose to see the closed curtain, however there was something on my chest lying low enough for me to be able to pick up and hold close enough to read. 

As I lift the thick looking paper I realized it was a sealed envelope, with my name on it in female script. Opening it, my heart quickened.

~My dear sweet Severus;

I'm sorry I won't be here for you when you wake up. I can't imagine the pain and heartache you had gone through while my power was being taken from me. I'm so very sorry for what I have done to you and to this school. My sorrow builds within me seeing you lying in the Infirmary knowing I was the one to place you here. I know things will all work out in the end, I have to believe that this is for my own good. That having been told to leave by Albus will protect all whom I care greatly for, will not have to be in constant pain when my emotions are being tampered with.

We both know that life throws us curved balls every time we gain home runs.

This is one of them. 

Remember that you have meant everything to me Severus, you have changed me for the better and to believe in myself. To trust myself. These last couple of months have shone me a great deal and I'm glad these new found emotions and experiences however small happened because of you. You showed me what happens when you let someone in. When you give them a chance to be themselves and to see them for them and nothing more. 

To strive further than what is asked and to make due until it is accomplished.

Thank-you for being my first crush, my first kiss, my first boyfriend and most importantly my very first love. I know that these emotions will forever change the way I look at others for I feel that they will never compare to you. 

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