Chapter 4

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K ROWLING'S accept Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

By the time I found the room provided for me, it was too early in the day to consider sleeping. There was too much to do to waste on catching up on petty things. Going through the small bag I carried, I pulled out a test tube and uncorked the top. The metallic rusted orange liquid shimmered with the smell of a new day's morning enhanced my senses nicely. Tossing what I'd like to call 'Rejuvenated Day' to the back of my throat, completely erased the sleepy and drowsiness I had been feeling for quite awhile. 

Finally feeling more alive, I looked about the room given to my leisure. Right now I was standing in a small common room with a big oval Burch wood stained table and a grand window on the opposite wall from the main entrance. With it, blue curtains hung lightly on either side. Walking fully into the high ceiling room, two black leather couches and two red recliners faced the diagonally from each other in front of the fire place. The rugs under the table and the sitting furniture were an amazing metallic silver as the walls however old stones, shimmered a metallic bronze. Red wood flooring covered the entire thing making it look incredible.

On either side of the fire place sat two door, the first and closest to me was a bathroom; simple with a sink, toilet, of course, cupboards and a mirror. The other, was a bedroom. My bedroom. Again the stone walls, this time were their original colours and again on the same wall as the one in the common area, a window sat, the middle of the room held a beautiful double oak 4-poster bed covered in pine green blankets, white pillows and soft yellow curtains cascading about it. 

The dresser, side tables and powder area were made from a dark ash that complimented everything together. Going to the last door, was a master bathroom made up of granite and marble and looked breathtaking. Only in the end, I twerked the shower head into a water fall instead of the metal sprinkler it was before.

Having my stomach complain from the lack of food I decided it was time to face the rest of the school once again. This time, a part of the staff and known as the youngest member ever. 

Grabbing the papers Dumbledore gave me of students with a spell allowing only myself to see the contents, I made my way from the Fourth floor and descended down to the Great Hall where I was greeted by 75% of the student population. Hastily changing my outfit to one of black sweats, a baggy but comfy pink 3-quarter off the shoulder shirt and a white  hooded sweater robe that came just past my butt, I made my way to the very end of the staff table while looking at the sheets instead of where I was going. 

The main sheet consisted solely on the names, years and houses of the students whereas the rest were of their personal information:

1. Tempra Perryshawl 1st year Hufflepuff

2. Katty Curk   2nd year Hufflepuff

3. Levi Krone 4th year Hufflepuff

4. Murwick Polk 2nd year Ravenclaw

5. Preston Cattlewood 3rd year Ravenclaw

6. Ronald Weasley 6th year Gryffindor

7. Herminone Granger 6th year Gryffindor

8. Neville Longbottom 6th year Gryffindor

9. Harry Potter 6th year Gryffindor

10. Draco Malfoy 6th year Slytherin

11. Pansy Parkinson 6th year Slytherin

12. Laina-Grace Karmicheal 7th year Slytherin

Though there were only twelve on this list to start with, I had a feeling all of the 6th years were going to give me trouble. Especially 9 and 10. It was an interesting combination for a beginner anyways. 

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