Chapter 18

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/ one dealing with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce.**

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Else where in Hogwarts.

Something was out of place. 

The students could feel it. 

Deep within themselves they coward and feared in their seats of their on-going classes. 

The Professors came to watch with odd curiosity as their classes had suddenly gone quiet yet restless in a matter of seconds. 

As the younger ones whimpered ready to cry as they huddled together closely, the older ones blazed with a fighting passion.

For the first time ever, every one of the Hogwarts Houses became equal having feeling what each other was feeling at the exact same moment. Emotions high on the rise very few could put them into words descriptive enough to let the adults in on this hidden experience, this hidden horror.

Excepts a single Professor. 

Serverus Snape. 

One minute he's instructing his class about the Rights and Wrongs in dealing with ingredients when making potions, the next clutching his chest in agonizing pain. A pain he had never felt before in his life and one he couldn't explain to save it either. 

Breathing was killing him. 

It was as if his lungs were twisting in knots as his heart crashed heavily against his rib cage wanting to break free from his body. 

His legs fell under him as he greeted the stone floor at the very front of his classroom in front of 4th years not knowing how to handle their own emotions, let alone the sudden action of their Professor. Right hand keeping his weight as the left held onto his chest, Severus panted deeply and heavily. His eyes brimmed with tears as his body shook with tremors... 


In the far corner of the library where very few dared go to be on their own, Eden Monetgray sat having been doing homework. Though she had been known for showing only anger especially when lied to, she felt the same things the rest of Hogwarts felt. Tears brimmed the bottom lids of her eyes as her breath came heavily from her clenching chest. This feeling though talked about with her Godmother and her friends claimed it to be myth, Eden knew they were lying.

Very few had been known of such a thing and she hated it right now for what it was causing. 

Standing suddenly as her body felt like it weighed so much more than it actually was, she left her things where they were and made her way out of the Library in search for what needed to be done.

What had to be done in order to stop him from gaining an upper hand that was never suppose to be given or taken in the millennium of such a race. 

As Eden picked up speed, walking briskly, her hands shook at her sides. Everything from those gossiping women telling tales to get her riled up whizzed through her mind like a wildfire. Making myth turn truth, she vowed that if ever meeting one she'd give them a piece of her mind.

Coming to the third floor, Eden descended down the one corridor no one was allowed to go down. They had been informed by passing pictures and ghosts that it was not a safe place as it led a person to lose themselves and all control they weld over their power and bodies. A force so old and knowledge scarce, the only ones who knew where the ones to believe in myth.

Passed down for centuries they were told not to share.

It was to stay within that family and only that single family.

One however shared what they were and only a handful lived to pass on what they were told and what they saw, barely making it alive.

Eden took her chance to make something right as she braced herself to what was at the end of this long dark and creepy corridor.


Please don't hurt me!!!

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