Chapter 41

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Heath's Pov

The place was dark and eerie. The buildings looked ancient as some were even left in shambles. I realized as many wouldn't that this place was being carefully watched over. It was cold and many faces I encountered were all Muggle, or at least seemed to be. One place kept calling back though. I couldn't understand why.

The place was the worst out of all of the houses in this small town. 

I've been hiding out here for over 3 weeks now and I felt like I was guarding something instead waiting to capture someone yet all I seemed to do was walk about and stay in the small inn paying my stay every week.

The people here don't question my motives but questions do buzz about here and there, it's obvious by the way they look at me or think I don't hear them when they talk amongst themselves. There was no doubt in my mind that I was being monitored too.

Walking along the stone streets again tonight, I hid myself within the shadows and away from the lights that illuminated the way for others. My feet began to lead me in a random direction I knew yet didn't at the same time. We had been given tips that Death Eaters were using this place as a hide away or something more. I couldn't understand why they would consider using Godric's Hollow in the first either. This place wasn't exactly one that looked corrupted.

I took the job when no one else would. 

They all thought I was stupid for thinking it was actually true in the first place. 

I didn't care and went with it.

Arlette seemed to be coming to mind a lot lately. 

She seemed to be getting on in life now that she had a permanent job and that male friend of hers. They looked good together and I was happy she had someone. Then again every time thoughts of my sister came to me, so did Ariadne. Her betrayal irked me to the core and it made me so pissed when she came up. The further away I was from her the better. She didn't know when to step down or when to shut the bloody hell up. I can say that I much liked her back in Zaggings when she was annoyingly quiet and stayed by herself. This new her was just asking for trouble and my tried patience when it came down to it all.

Yet her words rung heavily in my head more often than not these days. 

~"These four have gone through more than you have or will ever. They have to serve someone in order to keep their lives."~

They shouldn't have become as such in the first place! I had wanted to retort but was already too pissed off to even say those words. I had left before I made myself say them too.

I stopped suddenly and sighed.

I always got side tracked by Ariadne's words only to yell mine in return every time they repeated in my head. 

By the end of my rant, I found myself at the same place I always did when replaying that scene. I was in front of the broken half house with a small stone wall and wooden fence. It's brokenness had me intrigued and only this time had I wanted to get closer. I felt like I needed to for some unknown reason. 

Inching myself closer, I stepped onto the grass captivated by how it could still be standing with the huge hole in the roof and barely standing chimney. Even the glassless windows called me closer as if wanting to share a story.

Placing my hands on top of the cool wall, not a moment later did a wooden sign appear out of thin air. It startled me but I moved closer to read the engravings upon it.

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