Chapter 6

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K ROWLINGS excepts Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

It has been well over a month since I started tutoring at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Only now I'm no longer a tutor but a teacher. The class is more for those who just want to learn different things where most of the time it has nothing to do with their studies.

Believe it or not but all of the students I had for tutoring, ended up being where they were suppose to be in less time the Professors had expected, even Miss. Parkinson focused better and got over the fact that she was in love with Mr. Malfoy. She in turn realized very quickly that she had the power to over come obstacles like one sided love.

I watched as students of all houses and all ages worked and laughed together. In this classroom I had made it clear as crystal that if they couldn't treat everyone as a friend, as an equal, then they'd be made to apologize in front of the everyone in the Great Hall during dinner. Of course I had plenty who thought it was stupid, some thought I was crazy. I even had some threatening me and my abilities. 

They were the ones I brought to dinner to allow the entire Great Hall hear them out. When I called upon them during the meal, they were beyond shocked that I humiliated them and vowed to in form their parents. Which in fact they did, only to receive a Howler the next morning and a pleasant thank-you for teaching their insolent child how to respect others. 

Go figure parents are thankful to their child's educators?

Lately I have spent numerous hours making potions for St. Mungo's Hospital in my spare time. Word had gotten out that I was able to cure people with making up random and unheard of drinks and remedies. 

In the darkly lit Potions room I now stood, I was given permission to do when no classes were in order, I was making a soothing paste that would ease people's burns from unsuspected encounters from magical creatures. It definitely was not one of the best smelling things I have made but it had instant recovery if you followed the instructions provided. 

Lost in what I was making I only just realized I was not alone. Some one rather unexpected sat beside me not knowing how to get my attention.

"Miss. Ariadne?"

I turned and smiled at the once Potions failing student.

"Yes Mr. Neville."

He blushed forgetting that I dismissed the use of titles when addressing me.

"Lately you seem to hide down here when there are no classes going on and you hardly come to the Great Hall anymore to eat. There are rumors going around that St. Mungo's contacted you. That they are paying you to make cures for some of their patients. It that true? Are you?"

I looked fully at this Gryffindor.

He held something deep within and wanted nothing more to tell the world without a care but it pained him more than anything to see it change.

"I... I was wondering- but I know you're busy! But could you... Could you please make something that can restore... someone back from being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse?"

"Why specifically for that particular unforgettable curse?"

"My parents."

I smiled gently. I had already perfected one like that but I didn't have time or the ingredients in front of me.

"I can't, I'm sorry Neville."

His facial expression dropped to the floor at my answer.

"However, you can make it."

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