Chapter 26

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I love you guys soo much for liking my story!!!!!!!!!! 

Enjoy the chapter!! :DDDD


~My Dear Sweet Severus;

I cannot fathom the feeling of loss knowing you are hurting just as much or if not more than I. It's been far too long since I last saw you, heard your voice and felt you near. It's been even longer since I have been able to feel your lips upon mine as we hold each other under the watchful gaze of a crackling fire. To know that you are right beside me as my troubles of feeling alone vanishes thanks to your comforting warm embrace.

To hear your heartbeat softly within your chest by my ear as our lungs fill with air together, almost as if we were one in the same person. The softness of your shaved chin upon my cheek as your hair tickles my neck and ear while our fingers intertwine and play idly with each others. To know that nothing could have ever stop us from sharing our feelings with the other as if we were blind to the world and they saw us as we truly were, not us hiding from those who questioned what they pondered amongst themselves.

Right now I'm here reminiscing that one day back in October you asked if I'd co-teach in your 7th year Potions class. As you taught them to follow every little detail of the instructions, I had taken your master book and scribbled all over it and changed the ingredients, time and half of what was asked for. 

I recall how furious you were that I managed to show you up in your own profession. We ended up turning a learning class into a face-off between the two of us. I won. I remember gloating as I soaked up the cheers and praise from the students, how you dismissed them or threatened to give them a month's worth of detention just to get me alone and how we ended up going through the next 8 lessons to make it easier and more efficient to accomplish more from the text books.

We had skipped Dinner in the Great Hall only to venture down to the Kitchens at 11pm from starving stomachs and hearts full of laughter and other emotions. I remember thinking I heard someone following us. I got so freaked out that I had pushed you into a darkened classroom and into the wall behind the door. Your bewilderment and confusion ran a course trying all at once to surface. 

I'm smiling now at how bold you made me in that instant, that one moment in time. I needed to shut you up and I forced my lips upon yours pulling you close. My arms wrapped around your neck, yours automatically claimed my waist not letting me go. All emotion full on itself as we made ourselves known to the other by the simplicity of our lips touching softly and lovingly.  

As I look out my basement window, rain pattering against my slippery gray stone patio overlooking my sleeping gardens, I feel that this Manor I call my home is even more empty now that I have no one to share it with. I'm sure if you took the time to speak with Rominion, Miss. Montegray and Miss. Night, you'll come to realize the greatness they hold together. I owe them much thanks for this gracious gift of finding me this home on the outskirts of London.

They visit when they can, the girls more often than Rominion for he has been getting quite busy in the Infirmary, but I must say I enjoy all the company I receive. Even if they are not you. 

When I found out that Lacy made it into Slytherin, I died laughing at the thought of you having to put up with her very interesting and demanding nature. Also with her being half Vamp it must be even more exciting or in your case annoying, to find her the blood she needs in order to replenish her own blood cells and strength. When the three of them were here last, they spoke of the fun times the girls have found themselves in. I heard of how Lacy is in the same year as Eden. I'm quite sure they are an interesting pair when you have them for Potions. 

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