Chapter 44

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Draco's pov

I woke up in the room I claimed for myself finally thankful to wake up this morning. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm alive but today I finally can go visit Ariadne. Since that day Snape proved he didn't care or made me feel like he didn't, I've kept my distance. He pissed me off so bloody much that I hexed the Carrow Siblings without them knowing it was me in front of freaking Longbottom before they could give him another lickin' for something stupid.  I didn't even care that he saw me. I just vowed I'd do something about it later but I never did. 

Jumping out of bed, I went and showered. 

Once done in the bathroom, I looked at the time. 

7:30 am.

Not bad Draco, not bad. 

I got dressed, did my hair and brushed my teeth and shrunk my books and shoved them into my robe pocket along with a change of clothes just in case. I walked through the sleeping Common Room and deserted corridors of Hogwarts. I passed the Great Hall without looking in knowing breakfast wasn't until 8:30 am. I made the hike up stairs and up to the headmaster's office.

I said the password and then banged on the door once I went up even more stairs. 

I did 3 sets of 3 before Snape answered the door in dressing robes which kind of pleased me seeing as I woke him up.

"I'm ready to go Headmaster."

I smiled cheerfully as Snape looked at me with slits for eyes.

"Do you have any idea what time it is, Draco!?"

"Yes, Sir, quarter to 8 about now. I would like to get as much time as possible in with Ms. Pierce as I possibly can so that way I don't end up failing my last year."

Snape groaned most likely having forgotten about my leaving or how I mentioned his wife's maiden name. Either way, he let me in and went straight to where he must had kept the Floo-powder to which he came over and dropped a bag in my hand.

"She may not be awake yet. You can only go for 24 hours at most. There is enough for you to get back here once your stay is over. Got that?"

I nodded at Snape and went over to his fireplace. I yelled my destination and was engulfed in flames. Before I had time to think, I was coming out of the other fireplace in Ariadne's basement.

I brushed myself off, made my way through the rooms and up the stairs to the main floor and Kitchen only to be tackle hugged around my waist by a short and very pregnant woman. I looked down and hugged her back.

"Draco! Oh my Godric! It's so good to see you! Why didn't send word before hand that you were coming? I could at least gotten dressed properly."

I broke away from the hug to get a better look at Ariadne. 

Her hair was tossed into a messy half up do as her outfit was actually her pajamas which happened to be a black silk nightgown with a fitted top (yes, I know clothes. Blame my mother) which being a teen-aged hormono guy, she looked sexy even with being pregnant.

Okay... That was weird... MENTALLY SHAKES HEAD!

"S'okay, it's my fault, I had wanted to come like weeks ago but your 'lovely' Husband wouldn't allow it so I'm here now but I'm sorry it's so early."

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