Chapter 40

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Normal pov!

Over the past couple of weeks, Lacy, Eden, Raven and I have made my house Vamp proof from the inside out. When we first arrived, Raven was floored at what I called mine. Since she lived no where else besides in her Father's place, this was like a dream for her to be somewhere else. Her original thoughts were of me in a single room place and had the girls camped out on the floor with dirty and mites everywhere, let's just say the girl had an imagination about the rest of the scenarios she shared that bile threatens to come up every time they come to mind. 

She couldn't believe it and especially loved the pool but would not go near it. The rest of us found out really fast that she couldn't swim. It took us a while to even coats her to touch the water in the shallow end and not to mention move away from doorway. In the end it took all three of us girls to use our magic and strength to make Raven budge only an inch at a time but when it did happen, she couldn't believe how easy it was and started gloating at the fact she could do 5 laps in Eden's and my 1 and Lacy's 4 1/2. These days, Raven has been getting up during the day and sleeps at night but you can tell the differences right off the bat. Though she has sparks and is a joy to be around, you can still tell that it's difficult for her to be up with the sun instead of the moon.

We decided after about the third week of keeping on the low and my 5 months of carrying, we were inviting everyone for a get together. 

Sure it wasn't anything big but it was time to finally see everyone again. New faces besides our own was definitely needed.

We had heard from Rominion and Arlette by the end of the second week of what they were doing, going through and accomplishing in the time of being away. Rominion spoke in high accord of being reunited with his parents. Though his reunion with the Pack to which was a shocker when reading and finding out that his Grandpa was the Alpha, wasn't the greatest but he did express some love and adoration for the old man and the fact that he had a cute kid sister named Clio which he had sent a picture of her on his back bent forward, both of them had smiles reaching their eyes. She was adorable! He had also sent another letter to Eden to which she read quickly and burst into tears to then tell us that when he came back they were going to sit down and plan their life together. 

To let each other grow and give space but at the same time to never find something in another. 

Arlette's letter however was from Nigeria.

She spoke of her first getting there, throughout the week and then the unexpected. She shared her Elemental break by carrying a pool full of water across a 10 mile span and when she pushed hard enough, it doubled in size. The only downfall was that she had fainted right afterwards having drained herself completely of energy. She expressed her feelings and everything about being told to heal someone without moving the sheets and well, let's just say that we were surprised the parchment hadn't turned into a Howler. Near the end she spoke of meeting the guy she healed, how he had been told the significance of his wand which happened to be the colour of her eyes and that she fit the prophecy of another. 

The guy named Ogo had asked her to marry him on the spot but declined. All three of us freaked when we read that part but it made sense. She had reassured us that they'd get to know each other first before anything came about. Though she already expressed some feelings beginning to develop, she didn't want to rush. Arlette also pointed out that she just started getting her career under her belt as was Ogo being Chief of his Village. So all in all they were friends who would keep in touch more often than not and that she wouldn't be surprised if they were something more by December. But of course, marriage was scheduled for later down the road.

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