Chapter 50

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


 Arlette's pov :)

~Hey Lettie!! 

Yes, yes I know this is really weird and all for me to be sending a letter instead of you seeing me face to face but thanks to you being in Nigeria and all, it was best that I stay out of the Sun since well, it does effect me some ;P.

Anywho, I just wanted to write to see how you are doing. 

It really has been a long while since everyone has gotten together but then again, we all have our own lives and well, it's not the best of times to get together thanks to Snakeboy and his little retarded minions.

With the time that we've parted, I went and hunted down Raven. 

Who would have known that it'd have taken me forever to find her and even longer since I had gone and seen my cousins and then being called to see The Elders. 

Ugh. It sucked so much!

Those imbeciles had me attacked as soon as I walked into that bloody and crazy dark room! I guess since I wasn't dying or anything, they stopped the attacks and told me it was a test and a welcoming into the Vampire society. 

They are such a pain in the ass! 

I swear they think me as a pet of some sort, it gets major annoying when they call upon me through their destructive help whom happens to be quite good looking and yes, I hate to say it and claim Raven right but my Life Mate. 

Trust me, it's rather annoying, especially since you can't deny The Elders and half the time it's only him who wants to see me.

One minute he can be so nice and sweet, the next a complete ass.

Totally Bipolar.

I can't stand him!

So, as I write this letter, I'm actually in Shmidt's Cape, Chukotsky AO, Russia. Probably one of the furthest places from Warsaw, Poland as I could get. It's definitely much colder here than what I'm used to but it's still nothing really.

I hope you're taking care of yourself and enjoying the weather! 

I bet you have a wicked tan too! 

Well, my Lettie, I will end this letter in hopes that things are in good order with you and loverboy!

Your insane little Halfling, 

Lacy Night ;)~

I couldn't help but laugh in hysterics. 

Lacy definitely had a sense of humor and you could tell how much things bothered her yet how she loved it all the same.

I had just taken a break when the mail came.

There wasn't much for me to do since the Village was back in order and going smoothly. I'd normally just entertain the young children with my water abilities by turning them into animals or objects. A couple of times I was able to keep a story going from start to finish without losing concentration half way through.

Though I lived in the middle of the Village most days, I would travel to the outskirts to Ogo's when I was given the chance. 

Things were displayed differently here yet you grew accustomed to it all and since I was a Blue Healer, my skills were needed more than those without the ability since fire was one of the main problems that arose.

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