Chapter 21

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I love you guys soo much for liking my story!!!!!!!!!! 

Enjoy the chapter!! :DDDD


Eden's POV

Waking up never felt so alarming. 

Panic filled me to the core as I gasped for air trying desperately to figure out where I was. It was dark outside and in the room or place I was in and for the most part I felt like I was tied down with an unknown force aching in pain. I couldn't tell whether it just got dark or if it was sometime in the early morning. I could tell in an instant that my left arm was broken as well as my left leg and I had the undying pain of a dislocated right shoulder. My head pounded with a migraine I hadn't experienced in years -which happened to be roughly 3 when I was thrown from a possessed broom into huge boulders some pricks decided give me as a 'gift'. 

Trust me, I was not pleased.

Wetting my throat and mouth with much needed saliva, I slowly sucked up the crazy pain from my chest and heaved to a sitting position. Not the most fun if you were to ask my opinion. Squinting through the darkness, I found a candle on the side table and lit it so I could see through the dim light. Everything was white and right in front of me was a curtain. I looked at myself and concluded that I was lying on a hospital cot and.... Still at Hogwarts.

It was a good thing for the most part. 

I didn't have to worry about finding unwanted trouble from the school, Ministry or worse, my Godmother. Sure she was great and all but hell! She packed a mean magical punch when her temper was tightened just right. 

Maybe that's where my anger comes from. 

Though she is a loony bin when not in the public eye and hanging out with her friends, she chose me to be her Guinea pig more times than not when she picked me to be her somewhat successor in wand-less magic. I always thought it had something to do with her never getting married or at least having kids of her own. Or maybe it was because of my Mother was never in the picture for always being in High Society or my Father always going off on his own when he didn't want to deal with me. 

Yep c'est la vie. (This is life)

Glancing about me having never been in the Infirmary before, I noticed a white envelope lying on top of the side table in the furthest corner to the cot. Reaching to see what it was and pulling my body as it screamed in protest, I grabbed it quickly to get out of the uncomfortable position.

In a pretty Speed line Font, my whole name was printed in the very center of the envelope. Down to the left hand corner was a bunch of fancy squiggles. Turning it over, I carefully ripped the sealed paper open not to wake anyone else if there was and pulled out a couple of folded sheets of parchment and started reading thanks to the candle light.

~Dear Miss. Eden L. Montegray;

I cannot thank-you enough for coming to find and helping me when no one else could or did. Without you coming in when you had to distract Dracul, the worst possible would have been unleashed which I know you had already thought of the same. When you wake and get this letter, I will have already left long hours before. The Headmaster thought it best that I did before even more things got out of hand. I had caused danger to the whole school and to myself. 

I'm sorry I am not there to tell you this in person. I would have loved to have given you a much needed hug. 

You are by far one of the most interesting students I was able to watch grow and become better with time. Here, though there were some mishaps, I saw how you and Miss. H. Granger hit it off when it came to getting over and beyond. I'm surprised the Sorting Hat never gave you the option of being placed in Gryffindor for being so courageous. I do hope that being in a different House than her will not turn you away from her friendship, I know she needs to be around females more times than she is letting on. 

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