Chapter 11

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

*****Thank-you to you all for reading my story!! It means a great deal to me!!*****


:OOO Severus' Pov!!

*After Ariadne jumped from the window*

I stood there frozen with no emotion and a stinging right hand. 

I couldn't take it. 

I couldn't believe I slapped her. 

Some force came over me. 

It was like I had no control as if another had taken over. 

"Severus! How could you do such a thing! Shame on you! Shame on you."

"She had no right."


That irritating woman. Shut up.

"Molly, don't over work yourself."

That woman turned on her own husband.

"Arthur you know damn well that was not right! The poor girl was only voicing her opinion!"

"And do you think she would have stopped? You did not see her eyes change from her natural dark grey to red and then to black, Molly! We all were told when we met up for the Order after her acceptance into the Wizarding World that she was a danger to herself and to others if she worked herself into any emotion too forcefully. She was too far gone in rage that she could have killed us all. Next time, don't stand behind her."

"Don't you dare tell me what to do Severus! I was not the one who smacked her face! 

"And no one else seemed to trying to calm her down."


Albus voiced with command. 

"Molly it is true what Severus says. All of us that were there for Ariadne's tests and welcome were later notified by the Minister for Magic himself to keep an eye on her. Yes, she cured Arthur, Severus and Lucius Malfoy but she has more power sealed within herself then the entire Wizarding World combined. If Voldemort were to catch wind of the girl he would stop at nothing to add her to his collection. Though what Ariadne said about him is true. He hides like the rest of us. The only one not hiding is her. 

From the very start of her coming into power, younger then most children born to our world. Ariadne has had no choice but to feel alone. The only ones who were ever like her were her own parents and even then they came second. She is new and extremely powerful and I can see why she thought I was going to use her. In a way we are all pawns to our own games. Here, Ariadne felt like she was being ganged up on having walked into a meeting she knew nothing about. 

Now, Severus, your actions were not acceptable especially for hitting a woman and in front of others no less, so as your Headmaster I would like you to please hand over your wand and I will keep it until Ariadne returns." 

Albus took my wand in front of everyone and made it disappear to only he knew where.

"Thank-you everyone for coming and we will meet later on next week. This meeting is now over. Severus, lets talk."

Still standing in the same place, the very center of the room, my eyes watching Dumbledore I waited for him to speak.

"Now, tell me the real reason for your actions Severus."

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