Chapter 53

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has read my story!

**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**Enjoy! :D


Snape's Pov!! 

I had been once again in the Head Master's office like I did any normal day and stayed away from any and every thing I could. It was roughly around 10 at night as I was soon heading to bed for another grueling day done. Looking out into the darkened night sky as the Dementors roamed freely about the grounds with a glass of Fire Whiskey on the rocks in my right hand. My thoughts were solely on my young family as they were nowhere near me. I longed to be with and near them more than anything in the world right now. They were the only ones to make me truly happy as I kept going. If someone had told me years ago that I would one day have a wife and children, I would had knocked sense into them so fast they wouldn't have known what hit them. 

These days the Dark Lord has been even more dangerous than he has in the past. His fuse has taken a much shorter string and even a slight notion of wanting his attention triggered the worst as many have been killed. One of his Death Eaters, Rosenson, a guy who claimed he had always wanted to be one of the Dark Lord's followers for years, was given the chance to do just that but had met a death so chilling, it was written on the guy's face forever. The guy had only cleared his throat from whatever was bugging him and was killed instantly for making a racket. 

Then again Bellatrix was an even more of a pain in the ass than what she was normally like. You would think she was in love with the Dark Lord more than her own husband. For the most part it definitely showed and became one heck of an annoyance. I'm still surprised he even kept her alive for such a long time and even though it was completely and utterly retarded, the thought of him liking her back was a possibility no one ever mentioned but again, thought of just because.

Earlier this month she had the pleasure of harming Miss. Granger in the hopes of getting information out of her that she never possessed in the first place. She had gone completely mental as all three of the Malfoy's made it known to me that they were utterly petrified of her. Draco couldn't stand her for all she was worth and just wished there was a way of getting rid of her. She only cared for herself and it was an obvious notion for she never once mentioned word of anyone else. 

Swishing my strong drink that I had barely touched, my thoughts went to the most previous time when I was able to give some notion to my love of her being on my mind. I was so ashamed when I missed out and gave a poor excuse to her on her birthday while having to send the gift with the Malfoy's package nonetheless. It was shameful of me to have asked them to please send something for me in the first place but I couldn't risk the relations we shared together. The chain she had given me last year was forever around my neck and I carefully put my wedding ring around it so not to draw unwanted attention to myself and to keep it safe out of harm's way. 

I knew flowers were less of what she wanted coming from me as the simplest objective would have been to spend an hour or two with her and the children and that would have sufficient. But the Dark Lord had his Death Eaters not only watch out for any miss behaviour amongst those that were pro Potter but also upon those that he suspected amongst his own. As of right now, I was in the clear and hopefully was able to do it for a much longer time until Potter killed him. Then again, having to spend such a day on your own isn't as fun as some claim it to be, especially when being alone your whole life takes it's tole until just recently had taken you on better roads. I had been there when I was younger and I was grateful to Lily for bringing me out of such a bitter stage in my life. I had chosen a path that wasn't the brightest one in the book and caused her to run in the opposite direction severing all ties we ever created.

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