Chapter 39

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Arlette's pov [First time!!!]

"Miss. Ledger! Miss. Ledger!"

I sighed heavily. 

Since I got back from Lacy's Dad's place, I had a couple hours sleep before my night shift started at St. Mungo's hospital. When we, everyone besides Rominion, spoke on the train of going our separate ways for a while just until those threats were dealt with at least, I felt really bad for Lacy and Raven. If Raven was given the Sun and Lacy tortured for what she was, I wouldn't know how to cope with myself. I wouldn't know how I'd be able to keep living if I couldn't save them. We all thought it best to lay low for a while. 

When I arrived early for my shift I was stopped by the main desk and asked to go straight to Willow's office. She was the head of healing burns and that's where Ariadne had said I was best to work for and with thanks to my small training from my Aunt and Blue Elemental. When I got there however expecting to be in trouble of some kind, I was greeted with great relief.

~"Oh! Arlette! It's so good to see you! I'm so glad you're back! I've been needing someone to come with me, do you think you'll be okay? I know you just got back from a weeks vacation and all but I had no idea who else to turn to! This is too much for me on my own, plus some of the girls say they can try and help but we can't do it with just supplies."

I blinked. 

I didn't even catch what was wrong or what I was being recruited for, for that matter. Willow just looked flustered, worn out and looked as if she hadn't slept in days.

"Willow, I'm confused, what's going on?"

She looked at me deadpan before her mouth formed into an 'o' shape when she realized I had no clue as to what had happened.

"In Nigeria there have been fires started by those who rebel their Ministry and have tried to encourage He-who-must-not-be-named's rise to power. With that being said, they have hexed and jinxed those fires to burn and not to go out, so never-ending fires. Normal water and magic won't put them out and more and more people are getting burnt far beyond our healing potions, pastes and serums. Am I able to ask for your help? I know it's asking a lot but please, I don't know anyone else who can do what you can."

I could help? 

I was the only one they knew who was a blue elemental? 

"How long would I be needed for?"

"A long time or until we can gain control over the situation."

I nodded. 

"You'll be paid a high amount, I promise I'll see to it that you do if you're willing to help. I know it's a lot to ask considering it'll be mostly you doing all of the work. But please consider it."

I nodded again. 

Let me go back to my place and inform my brother, I'll grab what I'd need for however long and I'll be back within two hours."

"Really!? Oh thank-you, thank-you so much!"~

"Miss. Ledger! Miss. Ledger!"

I snapped out of the memory of being asked only 5 days ago and I was drained of energy already. The scene we arrived to was horrific even in the setting sunny sky. The fires were almost as high and as long as a strip of townhouses. You could see the damage being done as it began to spread and plenty homes were destroyed and not to mention many many lives were taken.

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