Chapter 13

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

*****Thank-you to you all for reading my story!! It means a great deal to me!!*****


Thanks to this past week of being with my new found and thoroughly enjoyable Grandparents, I have realized that this time when I said good-bye, it actually meant I will see you soon. 


It couldn't be more true. 

Not good-bye and good riddance, nice knowing you now I'm gone but a yes I'll be back.

I was going back for Christmas holidays and any other chance I received. I've learnt so much that I'm surprised I'm able to comprehend half of this new information. I learnt that each great grandparent, so Evanders parent's, Kellick's parents, Aria's parents and Aleacia's parents so all eight of them were able to do something out of the ordinary. The main ones like; the mind reading/seer, shifting into anything, talking to all kinds of animals, wand-less and wordless magic, fast learner which was known as an Absorber, being able to create- spells and potions that worked, invincibility/flying/floating and lastly colour-changing eyes with an extreme mood.

Hearing the last one was new. 

I remember the conversation well. We were all sitting in one of the common rooms at Mum's house Tuesday night, a fire going as it down poured all around us.

>"Oh and don't forget that my Mother's eyes changed colour with any extreme moods."

I had looked to Grandmother (we established that Grandmother/Father would be Dad's parents as GrandMum/Dad would be Mum's parents) in shock. 


"Yes, I remember that quite well Aria, especially when we would stay up late and she was woken up from our chatter. Her eyes would turn navy blue for being tired and then to dull red when she was angry well unless she had told us more then once then they were blazing fires."

"But most of the time they were dark gray, like yours Ariadne, a mood that was neutral. They would either lighten when it was a happier neutral or of course darken even more if something caused her to sadden."

I recall nodding in understanding.

"Ladies you're forgetting one important factor about Lyrah though."

I looked to Grandfather curiously. 

"We were there when those horrid villagers came. Ryker had just gotten back from running in the woods. He of course had been seen shifting back to Human form. Before our eyes, they killed him. Lyrah's eyes went from ocean blue- sadness- to blazing red- anger- to black- both with pain-. The worst black you could ever imagine. The emotion she felt consumed her. Nothing could hold her back. She was gone. Submerged full-heartedly and completely. She was such a lovely woman but that one incident changed her for good. Aria and I could do nothing. She killed each one who part-took in the slaying of her beloved."

My eyes had been wide open as my left hand covered my mouth. 

"Why couldn't you guys do anything to stop her? Didn't you- don't you have the same powers too?"

Grandmother spoke, her voice strong as she remembered such a time but her eyes feared the images.

"Granddaughter, when we were finally able to get to her- after the killings- shaking her was the last thing we wanted to do. It was the first time I encountered anything like it. At one point she tried going after Evander thinking he was apart of the villagers group. That's when I did the only thing I could. I smacked her across the face, hard. I couldn't believe I had actually done it. 

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