Chapter 46

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Eden's pov

~Hey Blazing Lily and Rommie! - Yes I used your nicknames ;P

I just wanted to see how my lovely couple o' friends are keeping. I know it's been awhile since we've seen each other thanks to the threat of Riddle coming. He did show up however after 2 weeks of making me paranoid. My husband [you know whom I speak of] risked getting caught by staying with me through it all. My emotions got the better of me when Riddle murdered Grandmum and Grandfather- so one of each-, apparently it was gruesome and cruel of what I had done but I made sure S knew I wouldn't be able to handle knowing right now. But they all got the hint I wasn't and never will be joining. 

S has been here since and goes back and forth to school to which we came up with a photo of a regular being that gladly wanted to help us. With that said, I now have a bunch of empty frames along with the original about my house. Already there has been a couple of close calls. 

I really hope all is going well for you two lovely beings at the bottom of the world. We have snow lightly falling here at the top as I write this letter! Any word from L and R? I just hope they are okay. My letter came back because the bird couldn't keep up with their fast pace... Anyways my lovelies, feel free to visit anytime, the barriers have switched back to anyone I want to walk in freely. Oh and with the time S and I have, we realized we didn't have any kid names yet! Thus the process of elimination begins!

Love and care;

Arie, S and the twins :)

PS. Hope the Muggle type of life isn't killing you Eden!~

"Wow sounds like a lot in such a short time."

"No kidding especially with losing two of her Grandparents. They doted on her too even though she would give everything back in the end. Professor Snape is being so sweet these days! That's exactly what Ariadne needs too!"

I set letter down on the table in front of me as I watched Rommie throw a shirt on over his too lovely of a chest sighing deeply.

We were outside enjoying the sun and the crazy warm weather I hardly ever got to experience. 

Since we've in Australia, I've personally met Rommie's Grandpa and most of the pack members. For some odd reason they're attracted to my hair and have finally started to pay more attention to Rommie since we came here. A lot of them welcomed me with open arms as if I was a lost sister of theirs or something. I'm not completely sure about it but I've never been happier.

Rommie's family are wonderful to say the least. His Mother and Father truly are Fate picked Mates. Clio is a whole other story of cuteness though. She makes a point of getting under your skin and staying there. Like her brother, she's both half Green Elemental and Werewolf. Clio definitely takes after her Mum whereas it's the opposite for Rominion. 

She greeted her brother by hugging him around the legs and lifting him up off the ground plus the fact that she almost beat him at a playful wrestling match. With her being so strong at such a young age really does mean something down here apparently.

Which leads us to today's adventure.

This will be the first time Clio will be meeting her Grandpa and the rest of what she has claim to being. Sure she has seen him in pictures and has spoken to him on the phone but never in person to actually hug him. So all in all a very new experience.

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