Chapter 2

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**All Rights belong to J.K Rowling besides Ariadne Aleacia Peirce**

I was prepared for the testing and evaluations the Professors of Hogwarts were to give me. Even some of their Ministry for Magic came to view my coming into their world. To them I was someone fasinating and new. One never heard or thought of before. I couldn't say if that was a good or bad thing at this point in time. I, however have done everything they have asked with no question. I was given easy tasks to start with. Actually not once did I find anything hard to accomplish.

Though the background of this world was something I majorly lacked, I was the quickest learner they had ever seen.

Spells so complex in defence, action and every day to day activity that only those who worked in the highest levels of the Ministry could control, waved in front of everyone's eyes with the utmost shock of their lives.

When I was allowed to make potions though, I was at my leisure. The small royal blue leather bound book that I wrote my notes in and carried came out of the small bag I used for everything I ever thought I'd need. When looking at their books compared to my notes, I had found the quickest and easiest way with less materials to achieve what they had wanted as an end result. Some even turned out better then the original with less side effects if any.

When Severus Snape came over to evaluate the potions though very little came from his mouth and though to many others there was this barrier to protect his thoughts, they came freely like everyone elses. As I kept my poker face for reveiling anything that could give my emotions away, this man before me was one I've never encountered before.

He was unlike any and in the end I found myself giving this handsome man respect for who he was and not what he has and is doing for greater forces.

As questions arose about some of the titles written within my tiny book, I explained with passion about what each one could do. One in particular, was the current topic of conversation.

*Removal of Past Pain*

3 black long stemed roses - sliced stems and crushed petal heads

1 dead copper snake head - whole (medium sized)

1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon

8 whole mint leaves - freshly picked

1 ginger root - finely shaved

2 cups of chokeberries - squeezed not deshelled

Brewed in 4 cups water and the person's saliva to whom needs releif

Total time: 45- 75 minutes TOPS

Underneath was a list of people who I had given the drink to. Most had experience loss, hardship and pasts they needed closure from. I had wanted to make something to revive the person's pain and suffereing by easing such memories and stress upon their bodies from all of those years ago.

I was asked to please make it.

I didn't need my notes to get this one done.

It was my favourite and I enjoyed making it.

But I stopped short because I'd need a volenteer in the end.

"Excuse me everyone. But like my notes have stated, I'll need a volenteer. This particular potion in which I have just explained will only work with the person it is intended for. Without their saliva and them drinking it, in the end will have no effect to any other who tries it. I can, however, make more then one batch for more then one person alone. Though I have 4 cups of water written and would assume it comes to making quite a bit, sadly it does not. A mug of this steaming liquid is all that comes as a result once everything has mixed together and has formed into an electric purple. It looks no different from a cup of white tea with food colouring."

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