Chapter 32

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I just wanted to say that though I don't respond to every comment, I read them every time I need a pick me up and drive to keep typing. Your responses to each chapter I post give me hope to keep going when I want to quit. So thank-you to you all who do just that :)

Enjoy! :D


I woke up to my bladder and the smell of coffee. I was stiff but not too bad for having to sleep sitting up. Yawning, I glanced out the window to see field and hills with a dark blue and pink sky as the sun was rising for a new day. With a trip like this, they made sure there were bathrooms and a kitchen like compartment with food available. 

Standing up and stretching, I realized that I was the only one awake. Glancing at the others whom happened to be in the compartment across from the one I was sharing with Heath and Lacy, Arlette was scrunched into the fetal position on one seat as Rominion lay on his back with his right leg on the ground as Eden lay on top snuggled closely into Rominion's chest thanks to his arms wrapped around her. 

Heath having sat in front of me, was like his sister only facing the back of the seat with his left arm over his eyes. Lacy was a completely different story. Though she was beside me, her legs were resting against the back straight up as her head barely rested on the seat with her hair hanging. The best way to describe it is with a capital L. Think about it.

Grabbing the bag I never let leave my side when traveling, I quietly leave to go to the bathrooms. I wanted to freshen up, to change and to fill my stomach of 3. The other passengers seem to have had an even rougher night sleep then my group. Some were even sleeping on the floor. With my barriers down, I was able to pick out some of their unconscious thoughts and dreams. 

Heading into the bathroom, I washed my face and hair in the sink, brushed my teeth and my hair once I magically dried it and got changed. Putting on black maternity jeans, a light green and blue baggy but tight top- again maternity- and socks and runners, I pulled out a grey hooded poncho and left the bathroom.

As I was going through the food compartment, BLT bagel and a coffee in hand, I heard voices that spoke of Muggles. They were whispering and I knew then they were wizards. Setting my breakfast down, I turned invisible to get closer in order to hear what they were saying and possibly to see their faces. 

"Don't you fink tis 'ime to do as ordered? Dem Muggles won't kno wha' et 'em."

"Nose, wees to wait til lunch 'ime Hees says. Dat way d'ey alls wake to sees dems deff."

My heart skipped a beat. 

"Fink well gets a good payin' for dis Mill'r?"

"Dunno Fletch'r. Dem nev'r said wut wees be gettin' jus tha' it bee good, you kno'."

I peered into the compartment to see both men in shaggy looking clothes that were mismatch, patched and dirty. They didn't look anything like the type to use transportation of any kind let alone proper hygiene. Both with stringy, greasy gray hair and choppy cut beards, all you would get were street rats.

Shit! That's it!

They were street rats from Knockturn Alley told to do a job for something 'great'.

"Dis you saw wut d'ey looks like Mill'r?"

"Nop, dems were cover'd all blacks dem were."

"Ow wee s'pose ta kno' oo ta go ta fo are pay eff you nose sees dem Mill'r?"

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