Chapter 24

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I love you guys soo much for liking my story!!!!!!!!!! 

Enjoy the chapter!! :DDDD


Normal Pov => Ariadne!! :DD

"I'm going out. Don't kill yourself when I'm gone."

I glanced up from the latest Witch Weekly magazine I had been reading about the latest gossip on Victor Krum and his aspiring Seeker career, to look up at the teen about to walk out of the door letting a frigid gust of night air into the cozy warm room.

"Wait you're going out like that Lacy? Shouldn't you put more clothes on or something?!"

The seventeen year old long blond haired bombshell was dressed in a micro mini leather skirt with garters hanging to hold up knee high leather boots. She wore a heavy black coat that was left open just before her bellybutton showing her black lacy bra. Two necklaces hung around her neck, a black choke collar and a long gold chain with a single ruby stone. Her make up was dark and heavy.

"What's the point?"

I gaped at the girl.

"You'll freeze! We are in the freaking Mountains!"

Lacy turned to look at me with her bright green eyes that practically glowed in the dark.

"Arie, I think you have memory loss or something. We established this the night I found you in the snow Twenty-two days ago. I'm half Vamp and half Witch. The cold doesn't bother me as bad as it does to Humans. If I was full Vamp then I could go out naked and not feel a thing. But of course everyone has to abide by the times and sh!t. Might as well rebel. I kind of like this Gothic look anyhow."

I sighed. 

"Okay fine... Just don't get too carried away."

The girl gave me an amused smile.

"Arie, I swear you're more of a Mother than you are a friend but that's your nature. Don't change. Also, I'm going to a Muggle club. I'll Funk with their heads. Those horn dogs won't know what hit them."

I pouted.

She sees me as a Mother? 

"Hey! What do you mean 'funk with their heads'??"

I gave Lacy a curious stare.

She shook her head at me.

"They think we're mythical creatures. That we are all fake. Well, I'm hungry and I want it right from the source. Why not have a little fun getting it?"

I laughed at her mischievous and playful demeanor. 

"Go already! I don't want to go to bed and wake up with you on my neck!"

We burst out laughing as I went to grab my neck as Lacy wiggled her eyebrows and licked her lips causing her fangs to protrude into her tongue. We said goodbye one last time as she headed out into the freezing air.

I sighed and stretched thinking about the last fifteen days. How once I got off of Hogwarts' grounds and away from those spells and enchantments, I Apparated. I couldn't even think straight to will myself to my grandparents and ended up in a heap of snow. I had no idea where I was but my broken limbs had screamed at me. I couldn't get up to save myself and ended up crawling over to a tree to try and figure out where I was. 

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