Chapter 38

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Rommie's pov

I left early once I saw Ariadne in the kitchen and gave her a note for Eden. It was obvious that the girls spoke the night before and thought it'd be in both of our bests interests to pull away from each other. Eden caught me before I got into the Muggle taxi that would take me to the nearest Muggle airport where I would catch one of their flight transportation thingers. Since last night happening, Eden didn't know how to react to my leaving suddenly thus the estrange goodbye, be safe and stay well plus on top of it all there wasn't much conversation between us either.

Before catching those flying things, I swung by my place and grabbed Gizmo only to have him be placed in a cage and sent to the back of the contraption. After hours upon hours of sitting and taking off to catch even more to sit and take off only to land again and then to finally grab my legs to find my luggage and get my fur-ball, I realized and was profoundly grateful for the use of brooms, Floo-powder and Apparation, even if I could only do one of those things. Muggles took forever to get anywhere fast or in decent timing. It sucked having forgotten to bring some and Xavier not owning any thanks to his quick abilities but I was fine nonetheless and thankful I was able to dwell on my thoughts rather than my nerves.

The night sky hugged the horizon and flagging a Muggle taxi once again only in the dark this time was much harder. Giving the directions and getting ready to pay in paper with designs on them, I watched as the scenery turned from city to forest in a short time as I absentmindedly ran my fingers slowly through Giz' snow white fur. Pulling up to a gated driveway, I paid the man and he left once I got out and went to the buzzer on my far left which I was then thankful for the enhanced eyesight.

The place had a barred black metal gate around the property as trees walled the gravel driveway on either side. Walking up to the pager, I waited for someone to answer on the in.

"Who is it?"

The voice though stiff spoke in plain question.



The person clicked off and the gate opened just enough for me to slip through. So this wasn't home but the pack house. I figured getting things sorted out first was the better of the two. That way if I was getting the boot, I had another place to go.

As I made my way up the eerie drive, many had come from the shadows in their animal form to see the intruder. Others followed me as if to say I couldn't turn back until I was done here all the while Giz struggled to hide away from those who got too close for his comfort.

With my confidence getting thin, I reached the bottom of the porch like deck that was lit with a single light just as a very built man in his late 60s barged open the wooden screen door and jumped the three steps. He had a clean-cut face and short cut dark gray hair and his dark turquoise eyes stared me down hard as his arms crossed over his chest.

"You have some bloody cheek coming back here boy! Did you really think you'd be welcomed back from what those friends of yours came to claim!? You're more of a pathetic fool having sent them in the first place! Now you have the audacity to stand here in front of those you left? What say you boy?"

"Sir, those that claim to be my friends that were dressed in robes of black and most likely have threatened everyone here, were not and never will be of any kind of relation to me. They serve a dark wizard and are recruiting for his army."

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