Chapter 20

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy the chapter :DD


I woke up with blurry eyes seeing white and brown all around me. 

I hurt more then I can remember ever feeling such a way and nothing made sense. 

Every part of my body ached or burned and I couldn't remember why.

I could hear heavy footing about the stone floor as a my fingers grasped a soft white material. Lifting my arms slowly and seething through my teeth, I looked to each and noticed thick strips of gauze and tape covered random parts making me look like a white and tan zebra. 

Getting my feeling back in the rest of my body as I was fully coming to, I realized that many parts of me were covered the same way as my arms and that trying to sit up killed as a yelp escaped my lips and I tried breathing a bit too heavily.

Bent over clutching my stomach gasping for air, the curtain pulled back and I realized right then I was in the Infirmary at Hogwarts. However, the person was not Madame Pomfrey. A guy standing roughly 6 feet tall wearing pale green scrubs with messy spiked brown hair, a structured jaw and what looked like possibly a couple days old stubble made him look scruffy yet damn sexy.

"Careful now, I'm going to help you sit up with your back against the pillow. Easy, easy, take it slowly."

His voice very male added to his personal as his accent definitely told anyone who heard him that he was not from this country. 

Allowing the guy to help me, I lifted my head slowly only to meet his eyes. A shocking dark turquoise wrapped tightly in black outlining caused me to gasp with wide eyes. He must have heard me for he smiled brightly.

"You are the first to give such a reaction Miss. Royal purple eyes."

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as I turned my head away from the new guy.

"Fascinating, they turned to a light pink and then back to gray. Who knew such a thing was possible? Let me see your bandages."

Coming up closer to me, he unwrapped them from my head, then my arms, to the middle of my body and then to my legs. All the while he wore a content smile on his face as he clearly could tell I watched his every move with curiosity.

"If you'd like a camera, I'll let you take a picture of me. I'm sure it will last longer."

Did he just...?

"I don't need a camera thank-you."

"She speaks!"

I laughed lightly at his enthusiasm.

"I am merely curious as to who you are and what the heck happened to me!"

He blinked and chuckled at me but before he could say anymore I heard a small happy voice.

~Lemme up! I wanna see her! Lemme up!~

I peered over the side of the bed to see a fluffy white puppy bouncing about with its tongue lolling at the corner.

"The puppy wants to get up on here."

Again the new guy blinked in my direction before picking up the small dog.

~Hi!! I'm Gizmo!! Wanna play??~

I laughed lightly.

"Hi to you too, Mr. Gizmo and no, not right now sorry."

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