Chapter 10

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

*****Thank-you to you all for reading my story!! It means a great deal to me!!*****


In the last three days that I took off from Hogwarts halting my job, an offer and my heart all thanks to slap in the face. With that time, I've battled both the North and Celtic sea. After hitching a ride on a Muggle faerie ship, the weather was not a pleasant one. High storms hit and rocked the boat none too nicely. Sounds of screams and crying filled each part of the boat as families tried to fun for cover. Heavily drenched, I recall racing to the worst part of the boat I could ever be in and willed my power to stop the storm.

Concentrating was a very difficult task. Not only were the waves and rain blinding, Muggles thought that they should try and save me, thinking I'm a damsel in distress who lost something or someone over board. Wrenching myself from their grasps I waved my hands blocking them from getting any closer to me. I remember throwing my arms over my head and screamed at the sky. It took an hour to get it to listen and comply to my wishes. Once I completely blanked everyone's mind of having seen me or of the storm, I tiredly Apparated somewhere on land before passing out in some woods as the days events took their tolls.

Once I awoke and slightly delirious I found myself trying to get out of the forest which I swear I had gone in circles for being direction impaired. When I opened my connection from having blocked the voices and noises for my own reasons, I felt it needed to stop. As I listened far off in the distance and to my right from where I stood in thickening woods, I could hear cars and voices but not in a language I was able to make out at the moment.

As I fell into stride and willed my feet and legs to carry me, things began to get less dense and the sky I could start to make out was in a light gray mood. As deer and birds moved about as I neared them, it became evident that I was nearing civilization. Catching the language, I realized it was a mix of Switzerland French and Swiss German. Frowning at both, it only then came to my attention that I was walking on the border of France and Switzerland. 


Okay then. 

Walking for another 10 minutes I stopped short. 

Didn't my grandparents live on the opposite sides of the borders?

My emotions having been gone from me rushed back instantly as I quickened my pace. A smile littered my face in hopes of finding them. This could be it!

I could do this.

I needed to do this.

Making my way along the now concrete road as cars were travailing on the opposite sides of the road, I found the nearest rest stop to figure out how much further I'd have to go.

Well, I guess my Mum's parents allowed her to come to this store or something. They all thought I was a ghost of her. One poor woman fainted from shock which left me to hastily leave and head in a random direction. I came into what was known as Clairbief or that's what I thought it was called. I could be mistaken.

As I walked along the border, I noticed two old and very well kept homes. Well more like highly priced for those who were swimming in wealth. The house on the left and situated on the French border line, was equipped with high roofs with the black tile and light brown stone with there grand windows along the second floor. On the right, the house situated on the Swiss border had low roofs with dark brown brick and white outlining and fixtures. The face of it was elaborate with a small balcony and stairs leading up to the front doors. Nothing was out of place on these properties.

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