Chapter 31

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

I just wanted to say that though I don't respond to every comment, I read them everytime I need a pick me up and drive to keep typing. Your responses to each chapter I post give me hope to keep going when I want to quit. So thank-you to you all who do just that :)

Enjoy! :D


I was nervous as hell right now. 

Nothing could fight this gnawing feeling from my head, my spine or even my heart. It was like something was going to happen. Something that would tear me apart and not exactly for the better either. It's that feeling of worry, trouble and soon turned hatred for another that I couldn't explain. I can however tell you I've come to dislike Muggle transportation.

I have been sitting on a train for 10 hours already going to some random place I wasn't told of, just that we were all in need a break.

Let me explain;

Lacy's fault.

There I said it.

Sure we were getting an all expense paid trip via train to wherever -Lacy never told us and these days I had more important things on my mind- but I wasn't too sure about meeting Lacy's family. Then again, she was one that never shared about the later years, once she was shipped to her Father. If Eden and Rominion knew anything, they never thought to share. I couldn't even think about what was going to happen.

This was Lacy's Father's side of the family. Though most of them were going to be cousins, a few so called friends, they were all vampire. I was actually surprised when Lacy announced to all of us, including Arlette and Heath that her father was holding her 18th birthday party at his main house.

Having known previously that Rominion is half werewolf, which have been said they are enemies, it's also been said that witches and vamps are no good together. Look how that turned out. Everyone will be forewarned that there are humans coming meaning the rest of us. Things will be served as to not make anyone squeamish and that human food will be presented no matter what.

From the invitation Lacey received, she was told to bring anyone and everyone she was close with. To pack their bags and get on the train. It must have been the mother in me or something but I wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

When the letter arrived, it was a week after Dumbledore's funeral. Exams were cancelled and everyone was shipped home straight away. The school was no longer safe since Dumbledore died, the Ministry was corrupted and Death Eaters roamed freely.

Since that awful night, I had received letters from my Grandparents about their thin lined liking for Severus and how everything ended up. I had written back letting them know of the prophecy and that my heart would never change for another. That if I wasn't allowed to have Severus, my children would consume my days for the rest of my life. 

Grandfather wasn't too thrilled with that response but I ignored it.

I was just grateful he hadn't thought of using a Howler. 

Then again, I could fire back with the whole 'You killed my parents' deal. I could still use that because they didn't think twice about what I would have thought about it, especially since it was a failed attempt at not letting me be born.

I did to my surprise however have a visit from Severus and Draco. 

I was thrilled yet scared for their lives. They had landed at the end of my drive way and had walked to my doorstep since they could no longer use the Floo-network and because I no longer allowed for people to Apparate into my house. The spells forbade any unwanted trespassers. I had tweaked it a bit so that way only I could hear the voice-over if someone was coming. The enchantment would identify the person even if they were using Polyjuice to disguise themselves or per-say an invisibility cloak. All I had to do was say yes or no out loud and they were free of not getting a blow to the head or sent straight to Azkaban and able to ascend to the front door.

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