Chapter 1

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**All Rights go to J.K Rowling besides Ariadne Aleacia Pierce**

Coming to the present instead of reminiscing about the past, I realized that the man with a bad leg, long hair and holding a cat had started walking forward. His name is Filch and the cat, Mrs. Norris was his pride and joy. He was the caretaker for Hogwarts having lived here his whole life knowing he was a Squib at birth. Many, though it was dinner time had stopped to take in the scene I had caused. Four incredibly long tables stood under flags of different colours which I came to realize were for four different categories or in this case Houses.

My mind began to get crowded from the thoughts everyone was thinking about. But the main questions were obvious.

Who is she?

Where did she come from?

Why is she here?

Yet as these questions arose in constant formation, the Great Hall stood at a standstill unmoving.

That is however until the Headmaster stood from his place at the Professor table to greet Mr. Filch and myself just before the couple of steps in front of him. He was a tall old man with white for the colour of his long hair and beard as half moon glasses lay lightly on the bridge of his nose. His eyes however were of curiosity, wonder and awe and if anything else, confusion.

That is when he spoke. His voice full of what he has seen, what he has done and the knowledge that stood behind him every step of the way. He gave and gained respect to everyone who had ever step foot into his school, even when he was a student all those years ago.

"I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To what do I owe this visit at a time like this?"

It was a well thought out question and one though it had been said many a times before, I felt the need to finally share the side of me many never had the chance to hear of in all the years I have been alive.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, my name is Ariadne Aleacia Pierce. I have traveled four long years in hopes to find a place where I may belong. To which in this time, I may either be of use or condemned for who I am, what I am."

My voice came strong and didn't betray me like it could and has done numerous times before. I could feel my body standing its ground with determination and hope.

"And Ms. Pierce, may I ask but what in fact are you? What do you call yourself?"

What do I call myself? Many things. Some I wish never to repeat. I needn't ponder this question. The answers were already at the tip of my tongue. But the voices came again. Not only could I hear them as clear as if they were speaking out loud, I could pinpoint them easily about the room as if they were right beside me.

~A freak?~

The voice, though male came from behind me off to my right. As cover he was known as the Slytherin Sex God. Whose father was a loyal supporter to a Dark Lord and a mother whose love for her son wanted to show but could not in order to keep appearances. Pure blood to a line that thought themselves above others, coward in fear trying to stay alive. Draco Malfoy, a sixth year at Hogwarts.

I turned from the Headmaster to look directly at the younger boy and to address his question.

"Yes, young Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius and Narcissa Black Malfoy, a freak is one word I had often used freely and that was only after I believed the words bullies used to put me down. However, I thought gifted and privileged were better suited later on."

The boy shocked and extremely embarrassed paled before blushing scarlet. I had singled him out and it was obvious he was not tested amongst the rest of the student body. A small smile formed on my face before I addressed the Headmaster.

"I have been able to do things like what I just demonstrated since I was really young, Headmaster. I now know that seventeen is the age in which legalizes its people and that there could be much to learn even at my age of twenty. If there is anyway I can assist you and your highly talked about staff I would like to be given a chance. However if there is no need, allow me to please escort myself out."

I knew his answer before words formed. I also knew that, if I left now, I would be used by another force that could easily use me as they pleased. But to make it clear to the student body and professors, he spoke making it clear of any confusion.

"Miss. Pierce, if you allow my staff and myself to further access your abilities, I'm sure you will be very welcome."

With that, the Great Hall was dismissed allowing the student body to speak freely. With an inaudible nod of his head, Dumbledore allowed me to go speak to those who were desperately wanting my attention. But before I allowed that to occur, I made my way over to the boy I embarrassed.

I tapped him on the shoulder making him jump and turn with force, he could have easily lost his footing and fell.

"What do you want?"

His tone and demeanour came in a hiss but deep down his pride was wounded and he rather run from me to dwell upon his actions.

"To formally introduce myself and for us to both apologize to each other."

"You should be begging for my forgiveness after what you did, filth."

My eyes narrowed. This boy four years younger then myself thought he was best? Well that won't do at all. I flicked my right wrist and everyone froze in their places. The once loud chattering Great Hall became so silent and unmoving you would think it were a still framed picture. Draco however was the only one besides myself still able to move and do as we pleased freely.

His mind raced and panic drove him to take a step back before bumping into another student from his House.

"Now. As you can see, no one in this whole castle is able to anything. They are frozen in time and though you are able to move, I suggest you consider my words from before, young Draco. I apologize for picking out your thoughts and making you a statement in front of the entire school."

I raised my right hand in greeting to shake waiting for his response.

"I.. I'm sorry for c.. calling you a f.. freak and f.. filth."

He reached out and grasped mine strongly.

"I would much appreciate being on good terms then scared terms. I mean no harm to anyone and I would like to fit in just like you. Goodnight young Malfoy."

I flicked my wrist once again and everything went back to normal. The noise came back and everyone were as they were before a few moments ago. Draco Malfoy left after that and other students from different House strived for my attention. I shared what I thought best fitting until the teaching staff at the school saw what I could do.

Today was the start of something I could finally feel at ease and most comfortable with. New beginnings. I can't wait for it all to unfold.

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