Chapter 52

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**ALL RIGHTS ARE J.K. ROWLINGS excepts anything/one having to deal with Ariadne  Aleacia Pierce**

Enjoy! :D


Raven's Pov!!

It's been two weeks since I left Lacy in Plitvice Lakes National Park.

After all of these years telling her constantly that even though she was only half Vampire, there was a Life Mate for her, it finally turned around and bit her in the butt and she couldn't take no for an answer.

Though we didn't get along for so long, I'm glad things have turned around.

Despite having our Dad and a bunch of relatives, there was only each other we could truly rely on since our Mothers were nowhere in the picture.

I was truly happy for my older sister and I couldn't have asked Fate for a better pick though I knew that there was going to be a lot of getting used to for Lacy considering how old fashioned Jett really was. Both of them are hard headed idiots that love their independence yet now have to figure out how to grow together.

I had left them shortly after they both arrived in Croatia to get to know each other. When they both had begged me to stay with them I had turned them down claiming I had yet to see Dad since we had gone to live with Ariadne all that time ago. The truth was feeling the hole in my heart and soul for not being able to share such joy of having my Life Mate by my side. I couldn't act to save my life so it was better I left instead of wallowing in my sorrow.

I did go see Dad.

He was shocked to see me to say the least.

            ~ I walked through the doors to the house I knew so well with my medium sized bag full of clothes and cute little trinkets I picked up while away. It was weird being home but nonetheless I loved the feeling.

Going down a level to my bedroom, I kicked open the door to see everything just the way I left it so long ago. Everything was so gray and blah that I grabbed my guitar and left not satisfied after seeing the beauties of the world.

Taking my time getting to the greenhouse I thought about the time I was actually really happy. When everything seemed perfect as my music drew crowds to stop and listen. To feel each note and word sung to their core and found the true meaning of the songs sung.

To have Humans and various other mythical creatures come and listen. To have them forget about the real reason in which they were there for as I strung them in with my voice. To be completely at my mercy as I did what I loved doing only to release them when I ended. Sometimes I even recall seeing those of my and other races in the Mythical world shake their heads having been fully trans at the notes played and sung.

Even on that one single night when my world changed as I felt Him watching me from the shadows.

He was my everything and I longed to be closer.

He denied me thinking that I had casted a horrible spell upon him even though he knew of my being full Vampire.

I had met the other girl too.

She happened to be the girl standing in the front row looking up at me in awe.

The one that played with my Life Mate's heart and held him captive by a thread.

She knew he was mine yet kept him closer as the night drew on.

His pained expression when he walked away from me.

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