Chapter 1

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Suzy's Diary

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Suzy's Diary

I saw a bunch of high school boys picking an innocent classmate. It was a familiar scene even from the place where I came from. My dad is a business tycoon who got transferred here in Seoul after taking care of some of his businesses in California. Now, he had to take care of another and it meant a new life, a new home, a new environment and a new school.

"They're all the same." I murmured.

"What is it?" My father's secretary asked. He was asked to accompany me by my father. He looked outside the window and saw a couple of high school boys kicking the other boy's bag. He looked at me and sighed. "The school may be different but the scenery is quite hard to change."

He was right. Due to my father's job, we have to frequently move houses and I have to change school often because of that I don't have what you call friends and I became more aware of my surroundings. I learned how to be cautious and fight whenever I have to protect myself from those who are trying to hurt me.

I was waiting for the teacher to settle my school papers with my dad's secretary. A luxurious school for rich kids, that's the Empire High School, a school for different kinds of spoiled, rich kids and I would be joining them pretty soon.

"This is it." The teacher stopped in front of a door. "I hope you enjoy your stay with us Miss Kim." She opened the door and ushered me to come in. "Your homeroom teacher will take care of you."

"Agasshi?" the bald teacher called. "Introduce yourself in the class."

I must be what you called this day dense because I didn't feel anything at that time. I should be nervous about meeting these new people but I was fine. I was walking and stood at the center. I knew everyone was looking but I didn't care I just looked at them in the eyes. "I'm Kim Suzy, nice to meet you."

Everyone began looking at each other, some were laughing then I saw a hand raised.

"That's it?" the girl has short, shiny, caramel hair. She was chewing some gum. "I mean, what about your family background? What does your father do for a living?"

"What does it have to do with me staying at this school?" I asked boldly.

Some students shrieked after hearing me said it in front of the class. Some scoffed. One particular student stood up angrily that she almost knocked her chair down. She has long, curly, brown hair. I could tell in the way she dressed that she was not just rich but awfully rich for her league.

"It has everything to do with you staying at this school, newbie." She glared at me with those piercing eyes of hers. "Remember, social status is your life here that's the basic rule of this school. You break it, you're dead."

"O-kay!" The teacher cut off. "That's it for today. I'll be seeing you tomorrow. Good bye class."

Everyone began dissipating with their group of friends. The girl with long, curly, brown hair brushed passed me. She was with the short, caramel haired girl who raised her hand earlier. So they're friends, no wonder I'm getting the same vibes from them. I just bit my lower lip and smiled to myself.

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