Chapter 20

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Nickhun's Diary

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Nickhun's Diary

I was keeping my phone close to me all the time. I was waiting for an important message but still nothing came. I was afraid Jiyeon might've notice already. My phone rang again. I hurriedly opened my phone and read the message.

"Yah! What do you mean you can't make it? Just as I already made all the arrangements."

"I'm sorry. It's just that our class' schedule is already planned out for today. It's our first day after all." I replied.

"I don't care. Just find another way and get your ass out here."

"Can't you just move the reservation the day after tomorrow? It's our free time."

I waited for any response but nothing came.

"Who was that?" Jiyeon asked.

"No one." I answered indifferently and went to check our assignment for today.

After we received our assignments, we began to work our respective duties that day. Jiyeon and I were assigned to cook while Jinyoung and Dara together with their partners, Sunny and Minho were assigned for fetching some water. Suzy and Jiyong on the other hand together with some other pairs were assigned to gather some fire woods for the fire.

"Shit!" I heard Jiyeon cursed. When I turned to her, she was already sucking her left forefinger. "Stupid onions."

"Let me see." I grabbed her left hand and saw blood seeping out from her injured finger. Even though she was kind of annoying and a spoiled brat I still care about her well-being. She might look tough on the exterior but she was actually a cry baby. She would never let herself show her soft side. "Yah! Don't just suck on it. We need to wash it with some running water."

"What happened?" We heard Jinyoung and turned.

He and Sunny were just getting back from their work assignment. Jinyoung was carrying two pails of water while Sunny was struggling carrying just one.

"Hey, I need that water." I told Jinyoung and grabbed the bucket from him. "Hold out your hand." I told Jiyeon.

We cleaned her injured finger and applied some pressure on it. "Do any of you have some clean cloth?" I asked.

"I have one!" Sunny pulled out her handkerchief and I took it. I wrapped it around Jiyeon's forefinger. "I'm going to tell Ms Song to exclude you from the work assignment."

Jiyeon bit her lower lip and grimaced. "Okay."

I went to find Ms Song but a text message came in. My heart almost leapt out from my chest. I hurriedly opened my phone but Ms Song saw me and immediately took my phone away from me before I could read the message. We're not actually allowed to use it during school activity and I was actually trying to hide if from her.

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