Chapter 26

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Jiyong's Diary

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Jiyong's Diary

A few hours ago:

After we got ourselves eliminated from the game, all the eliminated team members would have to report back at the camp site. We were sitting under a big tent while waiting patiently for the game to end. Both Dara and I went back together after Choi Sunny got us eliminated. I was still pissed about it and couldn't seem to forget about it. I was thankful though that she got eliminated a few minutes after our elimination, thanks to Kang Daesung.

"It's fine." I heard Dara whispered beside me. We were seated next to each other. "Don't overthink it. We did all we could do."

I tried to smile at her but it came out forced. Seeing her this close made my whole body numb. Two years had already passed since I talked to Dara like this. I missed her. I missed her every day. Just then, Lee Jinyoung appeared and went to sit across us. He gave me an annoying look at first but decided that I'm not worth it and turned to his cousin.

"More than half of our team members have already been eliminated." Lee Jinyoung informed. "And we still got half an hour before the game ends."

"Ham Jiyeon's still in the game." Dara said. "And I didn't see Daesung anywhere so maybe he's still out there. I think we still got a chance to win this one."

Lee Jinyoung nodded once. "Let's just hope that they'll be able to pull through before the other team's offense team gets our flag first.

"And Nick?"Dara asked. I looked at her and she seemed worried.

I hate that. I hate the way Dara cared for Woo Nickhun. I was actually jealous of the guy. He got to spend a lot of time with Dara every day. He already told me that he didn't have any special feelings for her but then again, I could always see him with her. To be honest, I really shouldn't be jealous of him anymore since Nick was already engaged with that chic, Ham Jiyeon. But still, I couldn't shake off this feeling, not to mention I still got that Go Minho guy to worry about.

"Hey." As if on cue, Go Minho appeared and went to sit next to Lee Jinyoung.

"What is he doing here?" I retorted. "He's not even on our team."

"Jiyong-ah!"Dara scolded. "We're not playing anymore, so it was okay for him to join us."

"Tch!" I scoffed.

"Cool down will yah?" Lee Jinyoung glared. "And besides, I'm the one who called the guy. He's one of us now."

There was something in the way Lee Jinyoung spoke the word 'us'. It was like he was trying to say to me to back off and that I would never be one of them. After all I was never a part of their crew anyway.

"Yah! Lee Jinyoung!" Dara hit her cousin on the back of the head.

"OW!" Lee Jinyoung squirmed. "Yah!Dara-ah that really hurt you know."

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