Chapter 25

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Suzy's Diary

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Suzy's Diary

I was fidgeting with my own paintball gun when I heard the paintball guns firing from the distance. I slouched lower where I was hiding behind an abandoned hut. I could still see our flag a few meters away from where I was hiding. I squinted to see if Choi Sunny was still there guarding our flag but the problem was she wasn't. I tried to sneak towards our flag but I was surprised when I was almost got hit by a blue paintball. When I turned to see who it was, I saw Ham Jiyeon, cocking her paintball gun.

"I finally found you Kim Suzy." Jiyeon gritted. "You're dead."

Ham Jiyeon started to bombard me with her paintball gun and I ran away. Our flag was just a few meters away. I have to turn Ham Jiyeon's attention somewhere else so I ran in the opposite direction away from our flag.

"Yah! Kim Suzy!" Ham Jiyeon called out while running after me. "Stop right there. Let me kill you first."

"Yah! Are you crazy?" I was panting really hard. "Why would I stop and be killed by an enemy?"

I passed through some unfamiliar routes. I could still hear Jiyeon's non-stop bickering behind me so I didn't stop from running. A few more minutes had passed and I could recognize the path I was running. This was where I got the firewood for the camp. I stopped.

"If I remembered correctly, I'm sure there are large roots around here somewhere." I looked around. "If I could just hide for a moment until Jiyeon passes."

I paused and turned. I saw it. A small indention provided by the tree roots, big enough where you could hide inside it. I ran and hid myself inside. I stayed quiet for the rest of the time until I saw Ham Jiyeon passed through.

"Che, that little runt!"Jiyeon cursed. "Where did that bitch hide? I swear I'm going to kill her."

I scoffed quietly. I saw Ham Jiyeon left. I waited for a few more minutes to make sure that she was all gone and got out from my hiding place. I wanted to trace back the route I took before but I didn't want to risk Jiyeon seeing me so I took the other route. Just when I made a turn, my left foot tripped on the root and made me stumble. It was all in a blur. I fell on a cliff and the last thing I remembered was my horrified scream.

When I opened my eyes it was already dusk. I groaned and felt a small pang on my left ankle. I checked and it was sprained. I also got a couple of scratches around my arms and legs and it was starting to sting a little bit.

"Dang it!" I cursed. "Just what I needed."

I scanned my surroundings when the strong wind blew. I shivered.

"Hello?" I called out. "Is somebody out there? Help!"

No one answered. I was starting to get worried.

All my life I've never shown any of my weaknesses to the other people around me, even to myself. I promised that I would stay strong no matter what but now, there was something in this place that triggered my memories when I was a child.

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