Chapter 17

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Dara's Diary

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Dara's Diary

"I already told you Jin, you can't make me." My cousin was still convincing me to stay behind. He was still worried about the dangers it would cause to my health if I came not to mention the strain my body would receive.

"Ugh! Why are you always so..."Jinyoung paused, looking for the right term.


"...stubborn." He finished.

I smiled. "I guess it runs in the family."

"That's enough." Nickhun appeared carrying 4 hot towels. "The bus is here." He gave us each hot towel. It was cold that day. It was a sign that winter was approaching.

"I still can't believe Go Minho decided to come." We all turned to Minho who was lining to get in the bus along with the other students. Suzy started rubbing the hot towel to her face. "God! It's cold."

"Well, he should be or no college for him." Jinyoung said.

"I thought the man's not interested in school at all." Nickhun said.

"But I have a feeling that Dara is the main reason he came to this trip." Jinyoungadded hastily. I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow! Doesn't the man allowed to have a joke once in a while?"

"It's not funny." I said between gritted teeth. "I already told you, he just helped me escape from my pursuers who let me remind you again, were my father's men. If it wasn't for him, I might be half way around the world by now."

"Whatever." Jinyoung brushed me off. "Still, I won't call him cousin-in-law."

"Jinyoung!" I groaned.

"Stop teasing her Jin." Nickhun shoved him away and dragged him with him. "Come on, our bus is this way."

They left me and Suzy. After they left, the atmosphere became awkward. I didn't remember when I started feeling this way to Suzy. She'd been a wonderful friend to me but somehow, I felt uncomfortable alone with her. We started lining to get in the bus. After a while, we heard a small ruckus behind, we turned to see Jiyong and his friends laughing while playing a trick with a boy.

"Idiot." I heard Suzy mumbled.

We finally settled in our seat. Nickhun and Jinyoung were just in front of us, talking about some girl from Nickhun's past. I already heard it a couple of times before but Nickhun always closes the subject with a shrug. He really didn't want to talk about it. I saw Minho settling 3 seats away from us on the other side of the row. Jiyong settled behind his friends 2 seats away from our row.

"Are you cold?" Suzy asked, making me turn towards her. "Do you want me to turn the heater a little more?"

"Thanks Zy but I'm fine." I smiled awkwardly.

Suzy shifted but didn't look away. "Look Dara, about me and Jiyong."

"There's no need for you to explain Zy. I totally understand." I lied. I honestly didn't understand.

I honestly wanted to ask her about it but I was afraid of what I would hear. I've always like Jiyong since middle school. I know Nickhun and Jiyong have always protected me back then. Both of them have taken a huge role in my life, they are both important to me but Jiyong was different. The way Nickhun treated me was more like a sister but Jiyong on the other hand, I felt like someone more than a friend or a sister. Because of him, I felt what freedom is for the very first time. He introduced me the whole new meaning of "fun". He was the first person who made me feel this way.

"No." Suzy said. "I need to explain myself because I know you're hurting deep inside and I don't want my friend getting hurt because of me."

I flinched. "How did you..?"

"I didn't." Suzy smiled. "I heard the whole story from Nick and Jinyoung and I just did the guessing after. Did I hit the mark?"

I smiled weakly. "Is it that obvious?"

Suzy smiled back. "Trust me, he still likes you."

"I don't know about that." I said. "I still don't know the reason why he suddenly ignored the both of us back then."

"You mean two years ago before the incident happened?" Suzy asked. I just nodded. "But if he didn't care back then, he would've not bothered saving you from those hoodlums right? This meant you still have a special place inside his heart." Suzy said.

"Even if you're right, it's not important anymore." I smiled again. "You're with him now. You're engaged."

"Now, that's not true." She almost yelled. "We're just forced to do it."

"Yes and both of you couldn't do anything about it." I said a matter of fact.

Suzy grabbed my shaking hands. "But we're trying. I promise you, there will be no wedding happening between us."

I wanted to believe her but my mind refused to believe. I just smiled and nodded, hoping I could make myself feel better somehow.

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