Chapter 7

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Minho's Diary

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Minho's Diary

I slept throughout our first period and I skipped our second period. I was getting tired of classes and when I got tired of skipping, I would come to school but to end up sleeping during discussions. I don't blame my parents for being ignorant of my lack of interest. Of course, they still care for me and my studies that is why they're letting me do what I want, giving me what I want and didn't even bother scolding me if I made a mistake or cause any trouble.

I was in the infirmary, sleeping when I felt my phone vibrated. I opened my phone and I saw Dad's message. Come to my Dojo after school. We'll have a practice match later to see if you've gotten better. Don't let your Mom know or she'll freak out. And there's something that I want to talk to you about.

I packed my stuff and left the infirmary. We still have Literature for our last period but who cares? I planned to skip it anyway.

My parents were divorced and I was still 8 years old then. They couldn't stand each other's faces so they decided to end it. My Dad is the leader of an official Mafia while my Mom is the secretary of Defense. They're both have strong personalities and think highly of themselves that was why they never got along. After getting a divorce they fought for my custody. I ended up with Mom but she still lets me visit my Dad every weekends. When I got older, I didn't pay much more attention to Mom's rules. I was undergoing adolescence that time. But every time she nagged at me, I would threaten her by moving out from the house and start living with Dad. It worked. My Mom doesn't nag me anymore. On Dad's part, in order to make amends to all the time he didn't spend with me, he would buy me anything that I want like the bike I used to ride to school.

When I got to my Dad's compound, his subordinates with their black suits and shades came rushing to me. They lined themselves in a perfect straight, bowed their heads and said their greetings. A man with bald head and scar on his right eye stepped in. He wore a brooch with a symbol of two swords crossing each other forming like an X, the Go's official emblem.

"You're early young master." Oscar said. "The Boss weren't expecting you later this day."

"Yeah well, I didn't have much to do at school so I just came here as soon as I received Dad's message." I looked around. "Where is he?"

"This way." Oscar escorted me to my Dad's Dojo.

When I got there, Dad was already on his judo uniform. He was sitting in the middle of the room. Oscar handed me a uniform and beckoned me to my locker room. I changed and went to greet my Dad.

"Hello Dad." I said while bowing my head.

Dad stood up and bowed back. "Hello son." Dad greeted back. He started moving around looking for an opportunity to knock me down.

Since I was little, my father would bring me to his dojo and teach me judo, a Japanese martial art in which opponents use balance and body weight, with minimal physical effort, to throw each other or hold each other in a lock. You could say that it's a sport for lazy people like me.

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