Chapter 13

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Dara's Diary

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Dara's Diary

It started raining. We didn't have a choice but to check-in in the nearest inn. Unfortunately, the inn was almost full that we were left with only one room to share.

"Don't worry." Minho said. "We'll leave as soon as the rain stops. You better get some sleep before we head out."

I just nodded.

"By the way, where do you want to go? We can't just leave without a destination." Minho rubbed his wet hair with a towel. "Do you have someone else to go to?"

I didn't answer. I was preoccupied with the brown envelope I was carrying the whole time. It was the very same envelope I saw in my dad's table. Minho might've notice my lack of response so he went and knelt beside me.

"What is it?"

"I found it lying on my dad's table." Minho took the envelope from me and opened it to see a couple of tickets and passports.

"He's trying to send you away?"

My tears rolled down my cheeks. "I don't want to go. I don't want to start over again. My family is here, my friends. I don't want to leave them."

"I understand" Minho said. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." He put his arms around me. "Now, stop crying. It'll be harder for you to breath."

I laughed. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For helping me." Minho let go of me. "I mean, we just met but you helped me."

"What do you mean by we just met? We're classmates and we already talked back at the infirmary, remember?" Minho sat next to me. "Well, in any case you made me realized something so I should be the one thanking you."

"Well, glad to be of help." I smiled.

"Next time you try to run away from home, make sure no one sees you."

"Aye, aye sir." I saluted and laughed.

Then I heard some people shouting outside our room. Someone started banging our door. Minho automatically stood up and pulled me behind him. The door to our room suddenly opened and Jiyong entered followed by the annoyed Suzy.

I got out of Minho's shadow. "Suzy-ah!" I called.

"Dara-ah! Thank god you're okay." Suzy tried to grab me and hug me but Jiyong pulled me first. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Minho.

"Ow! Jiyong-ah, that hurts." I recoiled from the sudden pain.

"Hey!" I heard Suzy's protest.

"What the hell are you doing with this guy?" Jiyong was furious. I could tell by the way his teeth was gritting.

"Let me go. You're hurting me Jiyong-ah." I cried.

"Let her go, idiot." Suzy shouted but Jiyong's grip remained firm and tight.

"I asked you Dara. What the hell are you doing with this bastard?" Jiyong pulled me in closer.

"Hey!" it was Minho. He punched Jiyong on the jaw. Jiyong landed on the rear wall. Jiyong stood up, blood running in the corner of his mouth.

Jiyong smiled. "Tell me you didn't just punch me."

Minho pulled me back. "That's not the right way to treat a woman."

"Go Minho, you just dug your own grave." Jiyong launched forward but Minho evaded the attack easily. Minho grabbed Jiyong's back collar and back-flipped him.

"Oh my god!" I heard Suzy yelp as we heard a big bang from the impact.

I just stood there, frozen. Then I heard Jinyoung's voice.

"What's going on here?" Jinyoung appeared from the door followed by Nickhun. "Is that Go Minho? What the hell? What happened to Jiyong?"

Nickhun ran next to Jiyong to check if he was okay but as soon as he knelt next to him, Jiyong pushed him off.

"What are you guys doing here?" Suzy asked, flustered.

"We came to pick up my cousin." Jinyoung answered. He turned to me with an angry look. "And you young lady, you're in so much trouble now. Pack your stuff, we're leaving right now. And you?" Jinyoung turned to Minho. "We'll talk about this later."

"I can't!" I shouted. "If I go back now, they'll send me away."

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