Chapter 29 - A Prologue to Boys Over Flower 2 Cross-over

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Minho's Diary

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Minho's Diary

"Bombs away!" We heard Lee Jinyoung screamed and made a jump to the pool. The water splashed all over the place that even made Suzy yelp.

"Yah! You know I'm not actually allowed to get wet." Kim Suzy was sitting on one of the pool benches near the pool.

Lee Jinyoung resurfaced from below and smirked towards her. Kim Suzy was rummaging through her phone when Dara appeared from the girls' changing room, wearing a pastel yellow robe underneath her swimsuit. Just then we all heard Kim Suzy's phone rang. She immediately answered it on the first ring and went somewhere far where we couldn't be able to hear.

"Wah!" I heard Dara screamed. Both Lee Jinyoung and I turned towards her and saw her reaching something behind her. "My robe's stocked on my necklace."

Lee Jinyoung rolled his eyes and turned around to swim a little more. He didn't even bother helping his cousin. I shook my head and decided to help Dara with her wardrobe crisis. I climbed out from the pool and went to Dara.

"Here, let me help." I waited for her to turn around but she seemed kind of distracted. I noticed that she was staring into my body. I forgot that I was actually wearing nothing except for my trunks. I smirked and she immediately looked away.

I wasn't trying to gloat or anything but I'm actually fit and have a well-built body for an ordinary high school student, thanks to my special training. You couldn't call me skinny or bulk. I'm actually in between those two. My muscles were lean and hard due to practicing martial arts.

"Had enough already?" I teased. I saw her blush and somehow I found it cute. I smiled.

Dara turned around and I started untangling her necklace from her robe. She smelled like citrus, sweet and irresistible. I might've lingered too long since Dara shifted uncomfortably under my touch. I cleared my throat and let her go. Dara started stripping her robe and I couldn't stop myself from glancing over. She wore a white floral swimsuit. I was stunned and speechless for a moment and couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her. She looked so attractive with her hair pulled up into a bun, her petite figure just like a model's and flawless fair skin. I don't know what other people call it but I think I was starting to fall head over heels for her.

"Where do you think you're looking at pervert?" I flinched and turned to see Kim Suzy taking a seat on her previous chair. She looked pissed.

I frowned. "What happened to you?" I asked. "Who was on the phone that it made you this annoyed?"

"My idiot cousin just called and teased me about my engagement." Kim Suzy scoffed. "I'll kill that brat the next time I see him."

"By cousin, do you mean Kim Ji Won?" This time Lee Jinyoung decided to join the conversation. Seriously, he liked to gossip even though he was a boy. "Kim Ji Kwon and Gu Jun Hee's son? I believe he likes to be called by his English name, Bobby right?"

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