Chapter 14

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Suzy's Diary

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Suzy's Diary

"What?" Jinyoung's confusion was getting out of hand. "What do you mean they'll send you away? They're all freaking out looking for you."

"I think these would help you understand." Minho threw something towards Jinyoung and he caught it.

JInyoung opened the brown envelope. "What the hell?"

Nickhun got up and grabbed the contents from Jinyoung. "America? Seriously?"

Dara nodded. Jiyong cursed under his breath. "They've got to be fucking kidding me. They can't do that. They can't force her to do that."

"Jiyong! Will you please shut the hell up?" Jinyoung said. "You're not helping." Jinyoung turned to his cousin. "I understand but at least you could have called us or at least me. We're family remember?"

Dara began to tear up. "I know, I'm sorry. I got panicked and just ran off." Jinyoung hugged her. "Please, Jinyoung don't let them send me away."

"Okay but we have to call your parents first." Jinyoung broke away from the embrace to look at his cousin. "They need to know you're okay."

"I'm not coming home until they change their mind." Dara said.

"Fine."Jinyoung sighed. "For now, you're staying at my place. I'll call aunt Eunie." Jinyoung turned to all of us. "Let's call it a night guys."

Nickhun turned to face me. There's something about his expression that made me uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked. "If you're going to ask me why I end up together with Jiyong in the first place, it's a long story. It'll have to wait until tomorrow. We're all tired and—"

"No, I think I already know the reason why." Nickhun threw his phone towards me. I caught it and read the contents of the news plastered on it. "Based on your reaction, it must be true then. Congratulations." Nickhun snatched back his phone and left the room.

"Nick, wait up! Let me explain!" I tried to chase after him but Jinyoung stopped me.

"Let him go for now. We all have a rough night. Let's all go home for now" Jinyoung turned to Jiyong who was still sitting on the floor. "And make sure to fix your fiancé up before going home."

I saw Jiyong flinch. He turned to Dara and saw the surprised look when she heard the word 'Fiancé'. Jinyoung left the room pulling Dara with her. Only Minho, Jiyong and I were left.

Minho grabbed his helmet. "Well then, I'm going ahead. You probably have something to talk about." He walked passed me. "I'll see you at school."

After Minho left, Jiyong lost control. He started throwing things up and screaming his lungs out. "Damn it!"

I just rolled my eyes. "When you're done, make sure you pay the damages you've made. I'll just be outside." I left him. After an hour, he returned and we drove back without saying any word to each other.

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