Chapter 16

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Minho's Diary

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Minho's Diary

My jaw was still aching but I didn't have a choice but to endure it since the teacher already came in. I didn't want her to see me with a broken jaw; it would just make the situation even harder. Miss Song was in-charge of our field trip. When the teacher mentioned the school field trip, everyone in the room got excited. I heard some talking about shopping souvenirs and some talking about the luxurious accommodations we would be staying.

"Keep it down class." Miss Song laughed. "I know you're all excited but let me finish. As you all know this field trip is not just a school field trip, it's also at the same time, an outreach program. This time, the board decided to have a feeding program to the natives of Jeju Island."

"That should be easy." The caramel haired girl i think people call her Sunny said. "We'll just buy any food they want to eat."

"Not so fast Choi Sunny-sshi." Miss Song said. "This time, you'll cook for them."

"What?" the girl beside Sunny shrieked. "I have my own chef to cook for me back at home but you want me to cook for those strangers?"

"Ham Jiyeon-sshi, you're not the only one cooking you know. You have all your classmates to help out." Miss Song smiled.

"No way." Ham Jiyeon said with disgust. "You can't make me."

"Fine." Miss Song said. "It's either you cook or you won't go to this field trip. Well, if anyone of you decided to not come, then I'll just leave your extracurricular grade blank that will cause your entire semester grades to drop."

"That's blackmailing." Choi Sunny said.

"Call it whatever you want. The board has already decided." Miss Song said while waving a pamphlet. "And besides, I heard that this field trip will be more exciting compared from the other field trips from the past." Miss Song winked.

"I'm in!" I heard Lee Jinyoung. "What? She said it'll be more exciting."

Then all the students inside the room groaned.

"Come on guys. As a representative of this class I recommend we go to this field trip." Lee Jinyoung stood from his seat. "Let me put it this way so everybody can understand. No fieldtrip, no extracurricular activity grade. No extracurricular activity grade, no semester grade. No grade, no prestigious school for college. I know some of you wanted to go to Harvard and Princeton, right?"

I saw some of my classmates nodding.

I say, Lee Jinyoung can make quite an impression. I always knew this guy is smart but he doesn't show if off.

"And besides, cooking just this once can't hurt." Jinyoung spread his hands. "So, what do you say? Nick?"

Woo Nickhun smiled knowingly. "I'm in."

"That's my boy." Jinyoung smiled back then turned to Kim Suzy. "Kim Suzy-sshi? I heard your family built an exclusive resort over there." Jinyoung wiggled his eyebrows.

"What? Oh right!" Suzy laughed nervously. "I already told my dad that I'll be going to Jeju this week so he told me that I can go there and bring some friends over."

"Alright! That's three."

"I guess it's not that bad." I heard some murmuring.

"And we can go to this exclusive resort they were talking about." The other whispered back.

"I can't believe this." Ham Jiyeon scoffed.

"Well I guess, that's decided then." Miss Song got her books. "I'll see you at the main atrium this Friday. Good-bye class."

At the end the man who knew how to manipulate wins. Lee Jinyoung really knew what he was doing. I smiled secretly. This group of people might be complicated to deal with but they're a group of interesting people.


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